Would you want to be a time traveler?

Reply Fri 4 Jul, 2003 08:36 am
Would you want to be a time traveler?

What period of history would you like to visit?


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Type: Discussion • Score: 0 • Views: 1,714 • Replies: 18
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cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 4 Jul, 2003 09:06 am
BBB, We must first learn to live in our own time zone. Smile c.i.
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Reply Fri 4 Jul, 2003 09:12 am
I would love it - I'd love to see a sort of speeded up version of evolution - see the ice ages come and go, the dinosaurs evolve and die - the rise of man - probably the eventual self destruction of man ....
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Algis Kemezys
Reply Fri 4 Jul, 2003 09:28 am
Yeah I agree with Vivian it would be fun to watch but like ci said just learning to live in ones time is trying enough. I was trying to imagine that maybe when spiders let out web it was like an optical piece of film. It captured images like a camera obsura upon being released from the spiders body. Then we could find old pieces of spider web and see what was happening at that time. Then we also see other things seem to be living in the air. And the difference between 25 year old spider web and todays spider web shows a change that actually looks frighgtening to the viewer...
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Laeknir Scrat
Reply Fri 4 Jul, 2003 10:47 am
I have travelled in time. I would not travel back to the Ice Age for a zillion dollars. Not enough acorns there.
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Reply Fri 4 Jul, 2003 11:00 am
see scrat, had you been paying attention you would have evolved like all the other bug eyed prehistoric cartoon rodents. Theyve become quite civilized , they wear shorts ,white gloves, and big red shoes..

Id like to go back and see some of the major cataclysms, just to see how close our conclusions were. Of course , Id need a 50 calibre chain gun and an unending supply of ammo. Maybe an RPG and a bunnch of rockets. Then Id feel safer around somethings like a fleshed out version of my avatar to your left.
Since we are talking nonsense anyway, Id need a really good camera and lots of film cause Im gonna publish soon as I get back
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Laeknir Scrat
Reply Fri 4 Jul, 2003 11:11 am
You are right, farmerman, but...
I thought evolving meaning studying (that is why I am Læknir, a Doctor, not like other curmudgeon scrats), instead of getting fancy clothes.
Disney did offer me boots (they said female squirrels would love them), plastic surgery and a good contract.
But they asked for my soul, in return.
I prefer to be "uncivilized" Smile
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cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 4 Jul, 2003 11:38 am
Okay, I'll play this game. I want to go back to a time when my father was alive, so I can get to know him. c.i.
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Algis Kemezys
Reply Fri 4 Jul, 2003 11:45 am
You can experience time travel by eating lots of candybars.Eat lots for years and you'll ahve aged your teeth 10 fold.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 4 Jul, 2003 11:50 am
Algis, Just as long as it has chocolate as the main ingredient, I'm game. LOL c.i.
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Reply Sat 26 Jul, 2003 07:18 am
time traveller?
if the God permits,i want i really want to be a time traveller.oh my god,it is a fancinating impossible that almost everyone want to have it come true.
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Reply Wed 13 Aug, 2003 04:52 am
i need time,because a multitide of matters are waiting for me;
i like time,due to making me grow mature;
i hate time,just it left me too many sorrowful and grievous memories.
time is a sort of complex substance which will drive you gay,crazy,mad.
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Reply Wed 13 Aug, 2003 04:58 pm
I'd like to be here ten minutes before the Big Bang.
With a video camera.

Then I could come home and show everybody
"See?! It was really big. Bigger than anything."

And then I'd like to win the lottery a thousand times in a row,
If I owned the entire world, with everything in it,
I couldn't charge anyone rent because I'd own all the money too.
Everything would have to be free, with no other choice possible.

Just like our minds.
The possibilities are amazing, but it's too bad they're impossible.

There, I just printed up a Deed to the Entire Universe.
Would you like to buy it? I'll even change the current year to be
anything you want, and it'll only cost you two beers.

It is the time it is right now, today,
because time is what we make of it
and time is all we have for now.
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Reply Wed 13 Aug, 2003 07:30 pm
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Reply Wed 13 Aug, 2003 07:36 pm
We are all time travelers. At the pace of one second per second.

Time happens so that everything happens doesn't all happen at once.
Space happens so that everything happens doesn't all happen to you.
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Reply Thu 14 Aug, 2003 06:16 am
If I could travel thru time, I'd go back and tell Sara Connor to get it right in T2, because T3 was the pits (except for the special effects)! :wink:
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Reply Sat 16 Aug, 2003 12:58 am
if we owned the whole world incluing everything in it,thus our lives would become nonsensical and dull.
we need new excitement,we want the stirring moment.
i think there are a lot of unknown waiting for us ,nobody can forebode.it's life!yeah,it is life!!!
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Reply Sat 16 Aug, 2003 01:06 am
I'd like for my mom to be a time traveler so the questions she wrote in her poem can be answered and the last chapter written.

By Bumblebeeboogie

My life, after my death, will have been like a book without a last chapter. How sad it will be to turn the last page without knowing the ending!

It's not the thought of dying that will make me sad to return to the earth's dust, its dying before I know how things turn out.

I want to know for certain how we evolved and if we will continue to advance.

I want to know if there's life other than on our tiny blue planet, with its precious life-giving water and swirling white clouds giving breath to its inhabitants.

I want to know if we will travel to other worlds and what will be found on those distant globes.

I want to know if our home planet will survive long enough for us to find another in a far away galaxy that will not be consumed so soon by our sun's fiery death.

I want to know if all the knowledge we've accumulated will be passed along to new generations without end. Or will some new people, in some new place, have to start all over again without inheriting the collective knowledge in our brains.

How will our world turn out in the last chapter of the book of life?
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Reply Sat 16 Aug, 2003 10:04 am
oh,Butrflynet,the poem is so good,just like a poet's masterpiece.i love this poem really.
believe it,after death,there is also another reborn in other planet or in the paradise,we still exist and our accumulated knowledges will be enlarged,we will acquire new things about the planet life.
and the today's world will continue for good.
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