This is the first time that I have read this Forum and I see that someone has mis-characterized me.
I do not hate America! I hate the present Regime and what they are doing to the Amreica that I love. I have been to many states and also Japan and a few countries in Europe.
I am not speaking from only reading zines, books or watching TV.
America has cool music and many people have values that I respect. It took this country a 100 years to get some Civil Rights and we still need more work in that area but we did it.
We have great Artists, musical and otherwise. We strive to be generous to others in the world. A lot of what others have said, I agree with. I would like to see America become better and set fine examples for other countries not jam our culture down their throats. If our culture is cool others will dig on it and maybe copy some of it. That has happened. Many people around the world like Americans but they don't like our political policies. I loath Imperialism and our Govt. propping up brutal regimes just so our business is smooth. We can change those.
We have tried to help the disadvantaged but now are slipping back to not caring about people that need our help. We can do better.
So in closing please don't hang a label on me when you don't really know me. Thanks.