Oh, here it says, urge is only available in Norway
This so funny;
Coca-Cola, Swedish Family Fight Over Name
Posted - April 15, 2003 12:46pm
Stockholm,Sweden (AP) - The cola wars have entered a new dimension in Sweden.
This time, the Coca-Cola Co. isn't battling Pepsi-Cola International, but a family with the surname Urge. That also happens to the name of a citrus drink bottled by Coke that's available only in Norway.
Coke has registered the name as a trademark in Sweden, but not launched in there. In the United States, the caffeine-loaded drink is called Surge.
Members of the Urge family tried to repeal the trademark, concerned that their name would become associated with a soft drink.
Swedish law prohibits registration of trademarks that use someone else's family name. But the Court of Patent Appeals ruled in favor of Coca-Cola last month, saying the English word "urge" was more commonly known than the family name, which is pronounced "OOR-geh."
Members of the Urge family didn't immediately return calls seeking comment Tuesday.
There are six people in Sweden listed with the last name Urge, according to Statistics Sweden. Four of them are involved in the court case.
Richard Sjoeberg, a Coca-Cola spokesman in Sweden, declined to comment on the legal battle, saying it was a matter between patent authorities and the Urge family.
Surge was introduced in the United States in 1997 as an answer to Pepsi's Mountain Dew, but production was scaled back because of low demand, according to
www.SaveSurge.org, a Web site run by Surge aficionados.