Yes we have made wine
No we do not drink it !
We only have the one vine at the back of our house, which can get pretty hot in summer, especially this summer as Walter will tell you.
I don't know what variety it is apart from red, and it usually gives quite a good harvest.
I think I'm right in saying we got as much as 15kg grapes one year. I have tried several times to make some wine. It certainly looks like wine, and if you don't get too close you might think it smelled like wine, but tasting it was a different experience. (Probably my taste buds have been over sensitised by Chateau neuf du Pape...etc) Well any way it all went down the drain, and acted as a wonderful drain cleaner btw.
One year I even gave all the grapes to a lady who claimed to make delicious wine out of berries vegetables old socks, you name it. But the bottle she gave me to sample was no better than my efforts, so we 'drained it' again if you see what I mean. Shame really they do look very attractive this time of year. In fact this year with such a hot summer, its supposed to be a premier cru vintage, well at least the birds can enjoy them.