Tue 6 Feb, 2007 09:40 am
I think the Dave/Oprah commercial was probably one of the wittier ones I've seen in the last 10 years, even though it had to be a 15 second spot, tops. On the other side, I thought the Sierra Mist/beard combover was one of the most disgusting. The internet is nice for remembering what the commercials actually were, I know you can go back and watch em all at Sportsline...
I loved the Dave/ Oprah one! Wasn't really watching, then hey!
The candy bar one was too weird. It was trying to be like buzz-weird but was just "trying too hard and didn't nail the tone" weird.
For 2.6m a spot, none of them were really worth watching...except for the rock,paper, scissors one.
I did like the Letterman/Oprah one - I also liked the "Its getting hot in here" where all these guys are stripping.
Rock, Paper, Scissors reminded me of an article I read in the NY Times about how the many violent commercials have been linked to the ongoing war. Her e are some that were mentioned: FedEx commercial, where the astronaut was wiped out by a meteor; Snickers where two men sought to prove their masculinity by tearing off patches of chest hair; E*Trade Financial bank robbery; CareerBuilder with fierce battles among office workers trapped in a jungle; Bud Light and axe and chainsaw hitchhikers.