sumac, this is an extremely interesting and very necessary topic, to those of us who cook SOLO. (most if not ALL the time).
But it can be fun as one person noted, you do not have to Please any one else.
I like CI's suggestion, because fruits and vegetables are essential.
And - you do not have to buy very many, Plus, some types keep well, for over a week or more.
One item with which you could save yourself spoilage , is the vacuum-food sealer and bags. And it would save space in your 'small 'frige-top freezer.
As far as menus, you will kind of have to go by what you really like.
And- I feel sure, that as you garden and grow your own veggies, you are well aware of your vitamin needs.
(To be on the safe side, I always take a daily multiple vitamin- natural and of good quality, no scrimping there.)
One thing you can be happy about-

- thin people who eat balanced but do not over eat, avoid MANY problems associated with obesity.
But - if you are a smoker, and use the calming effects of a cigarette instead of eating.... well. That is NOT good. You will destroy your vitamins and minerals anyway, mostly.
Bon apetit.... I wish well for you.