vikorr wrote:Quote:No complaining, just pointing out.
Multiple times without explanation or justification, amounts to the same thing
No it doesn't; it is what it is, in and of itself, regardless what you or anyone else might care to add to or take from it.
Quote:Quote:Straw man - I did not define religion.... no matter what you think you may say of what I said.
or the nature or scope of something. Your definition is in the quote below. Please understand words before you object to them.
You're doing it again, there, partner; I did not define anything, I pointed to religion's lack of evidence. That lack of evidence is an attribute of religion, it is not a definition of religion.
Quote:Quote:Poppycock - straw man. Structurally operative is that critics of religion have something religion lacks in total: EVIDENCE - empirical, documented, verifiable, hard-data evidence, whereas religion has naught but agenda, claim, self reference, and denial of evidence.
Quote:Straw man and outright falsehood - there was no "name calling",
Nonsense and further straw man. Now if I were to say someone pressing a claim such as that you've just presented was silly, that would be name calling. Pointing out that within an argument or other statement which renders said argument or other statement silly is no such thing, it is simply bringing to attention the silliness of said argument or other statement. Your argument in the present instance is silly in that you are adressing only your own overlay onto what I said, not that which in fact I said. I'm not the one apparently ignorant of what is being talked about here.
Quote:Quote:nor beyond calling attention to the error presented via your comment is any counterargument necessary
Point being, you have provided only one counter argument - to which I pointed out the error of your error. But but you have not attempted any counter for to my reply, so it appears you are resorting to misdirection, pointless namecalling, and any trick you can to avoid any actual debate. Once more, nothing of substance.
Straw man yet again; I've presented no counter aregument, I've merely remained on point, that point being the error of your argument and the speciousness of your silly objections in context of this silly digression. I submit further that your allegation I have engaged in name calling is a falsehood.
Quote:Quote:By the same token, anyone may note and call to attention error and/or falsehood on your part should you voice same
Absolutely, I agree, and the disagreement should be justified, whic is something you are closely avoiding.
Of course, had you attempted to justify any of your 'straw men' (barring the first, which you did attempt to), then your justifications would be open to the same scrutiny as you attempt to promote.
Nonsense; I've presented no straw men, but rather have taken you to task for persisting in the practice - which you continue to do. I have avoided nothing, I have brought nothing irrelevant to the discussion, and I submit the same cannot be said of your practice in such regard.
Quote:- Would you care to name what objection of mine you are refering to? Or do you prefer the objection you call specious to remain a mystery?
- Would you care to explain how my theory on 'beliefs' has any bearing on religion itself? ...
No, that's irrelevant.
I almost fell to the ground laughing at this one. You make multiple accusations, but can't back this up with an iota of further argument. Or perhaps you are saying your claims are irrelevant? As I said, incredibly humorous (and again, no substance)
Apparently, you either do not understand what is going on here, or you choose to present yourself as not understanding same - not my problem.
Quote:Quote:Quote:Calling something Specious, without any justification, would be rather specious, don't you think.
Certainly, however, in that your objections have been specious, your comment here is irrelevant other than that it too is specious.
Quote:Straw man and falsehood
Please understand the actual meaning of words before posting. Oxford Online Dictionary : Specious
adjective 1 superficially plausible, but actually wrong. 2 misleading in appearance
Quote:Quote:Aparanently you claim to disagree with what I am saying, yet at the same time claim it adds to the body of evidence against religion...can you actually explain how this can be?
No point belaboring the obvious; you're doing a fine job of adding to the body of evidence available to those critical of religion.
Which says nothing (again no substance). So far you haven't been actually able to justify even one iota of any of your claims. Continual baseless accusations with no willingness to back them up pointless. Do you have any reason for posting, beyond substanceless arguments?
You're consistent, I'll give you that. The only claims I have made are tha religion is without evidence, and that your objections to my comments have been and continue to be specious.
Quote:Quote:Your objections, without exception, are straw men, with no foundation, proceeding from untruth allegations of that not in evidence.
No, no, no, Grasshopper. You've debunked nothing, you've merely further validated the criticisms I've laid against your commentary. You persist in false allegations, and you persist in straw man arguments.
Quote:Quote:Quote:All up, a series of claims with barely the mildest attempt to justify them, with only the first post making any attempt at all. If you are going to contribute your viewpoint, please provide something with substance.
Straw man...
Well, as you continue to contribute virtually nothing of substance, you can keep believing what you like. By now it is fact.
Not my problem if, by bringing your preconceptions to the fore, you fail to grasp the substance of that which has been presented.
Quote:Quote:....-unarguable is that, apart from any other consideration of any other institution or social construct, history provides to critics of religion volumes of evidence pointing to the invalidity, arrogance and hypocricy of religion, while proponents of religion possess no such archive, but rather religion must resort solely to self-referential claim, claim with no basis in factual evidence.
This has little to do with my original post. That aside, I agree with most of this. Just a few nitpicks - the only major religion, who's foundings are historically recorded is Islam. Much of History (Archives) was written by the learned, and between the dark ages and up to perhaps the 1300's (that's a guess), most of the learned were religious scholars. A few other nitpicks, but they would be for a different thread.
Nitpick away, partner - history and philosophy are particular personal fascinations.
A point of curiosity, if you'll humor me - just what do you contend is the point of your observation pertaining to "religious scholars"?
Quote:Quote:The "viewpoint" I "contribute" is that your argument is faulty, and that your objections to my criticisms of your argument are specious, counter to fact, without substance.
Nonsense; my reference is to the specious objections you've presented to that of my commentary as has been critical of yours pertinent thereunto.
Quote:However, as you've given away what objections you were talking about, in your last paragraph :
Quote:your objections to my criticisms
Hey! Almost looked, for a little while there, that you almost had it - at least that it was beginning to dawn on you - then your commentary blew it. As has been said, not my problem you're apparently having trouble, or at least choose to present yourself as having trouble, figuring out what's been going on here. That you present as failing to grasp what is going on at any rate, whichever circumstance is operative, is what your interaction throughout this digression has evidenced.
Whether or not you're any good at this sort of thing, your practice throughout your participation in this digression indicates you're not doing very well at it.
Lets take this a step at a time.
- You opened this discussion declaring as your thesis " ... People are also religious creatures, whether or not they believe in a stated religion, they believe in 'something' in order to identify who they are ... ".
- You then presented a litany of dictionary definitions of religion,
- on which you expanded in This Post, declaring " ... As you can see by the dictionary definitions, what I was saying meets the dictionary definition of 'religion', therefore people who do not follow a religion like Christianity, Islam etc, can still be religious....which is what the title is saying ... " (itself a untrue statement, as the topic title - YOUR topic title - is "Are you religious even if you aren't religious?"; the title does not "say" that " ... people who do not follow a religion like Christianity, Islam etc, can still be religious ... ", it ASKS "Are you religious even if you aren't religious?").
"Religion/Religious" entail, definitionally, functionally, and inescapably, a spiritual/metaphysical origin and mindset; without the spiritual/metaphysical, there is not religion. That is not to say some other proposition might not be endorsed with religious fervor, that is merely to say that without spirituality/metaphysics, you ain't got "Religion", regardless what wordgames you play.
- I jumped into this discussion Here, observing that "religion" but for its popularity and history would meet the definition of "Delusion".
- You then declared: " ... PS. for the comment about playing the dictionary game - as we are talking about a specific word, and Shapeless was objecting that what I was talking about didn't relate to the specific word (religion), it is quite legitimate to quote dictionary definitions ... Once more, even those who think of religion as the cause of so much evil...they have beliefs with all the hallmarks of religion ... "]
Your "all the hallmarks" allegation - foundationally central to your ongoing specious, straw man objections to my commentary - fails in that missing from propositions other than religious is spirituality/metaphysics, while at the same time missing from religious propositions is hard, independent evidence.
- I opined that, by the evidence, " ... It is unwarranted, unconscionable, arrogant conceit on the part of religion to attempt to equate itself with legitimate philosophy."
- You responded to that with the assertion: " ...Uh yeah, alright. And nationalism has empirical data does it? It doesn't have agenda, claim, or self reference? If we look at the Iraq war, you'll see that nationalism/patriotism was invoked, and there was also a denial of it has the hallmarks of everything you said about religion."
- To which I responded "More straw man - I said only that critics of religion have hard evidence whereas religion has nothing of the sort. Your specious objection just adds to the body of evidence available to those critical of religion."
I submit again, your "all the hallmarks" allegation fails in that missing from propositions other than religious is spirituality/metaphysics, while at the same time missing from religious propositions is hard, independent evidence; your objection is specious.
- You then, among other errors of assumption or projection, asserted " ...Using your definition of religion, I then provided an example of a 'non religious' belief :
Nationalism/Patriotism :
- lacks evidence,
- has an agenda,
- has claim,
- has self reference (I presume you mean is self reinforcing), (Note - editorial insert - You mispresume; had I meant "self-reinforcing", I would not have said "self reference")
- denies evidence
Perfectly fitting your definition of religion, and thereby backing up what I was saying ... "
I submit yet again I offered no definition of religion, I mentioned attributes of religion. While a horse has both mane and tail, neither attribute defines the the beast.
- In the same post, you said, refering to me, " ... you have resorted to name calling in both your posts ... "
I submit no such occurrence took place; I pointed to errors and fallacies evidenced in your arguments, exposing same for what they were. That is not "name calling", that is point-by-point rebuttal to and refutation of your fallacious arguments. I have no clue who you are (though I suspect, perhaps wrongly so, that you well may be a religionist of one stripe or another, but that's neither here nor there), and I have not "called" you any "name", I have demonstrated your arguments to be straw men and your objections to be specious, founded on that which is not there to which to object, and I have done so through clear, unambiguous example. Absent the central, structural, foundational component of spiritual/metaphysical foundation and focus, a propostion does not meet the requirements necessary to be considered/termed "religion" - whether or not that proposition is endorsed and prosecuted in manner described as "with religious zeal and fervor".
Now, we could go on and on, around and around on this, but you've really got nowhere to go with it, so there is no point pursuing it further - if indeed there was any point pursuing it this far - something I doubt. In discussions of this sort, on web forums, there is rarely any win/lose based on converting an adversary to one's own position. The point, if there is one, is to express one's own ideas, to present one's own thoughts, to provide such evidence as one may have available in support of any proposition one might forward, and to validate and justify one's proposition(s) in the face of such contrary propositions or counter arguments as may be presented by others in the discussion. I submit I have done precisely that, and I leave it to each reader to evaluate what has been said, and the manner in which it has been said, and draw their own conclusions.
However, if somebody wants to insist on a tail-chasing party, I'm usually happy to cheer on the entertainment 'til the chaser drops.