Algis.Kemezys wrote:Just saw the work and ones first immediate impression is Ok let me see these. Then when you look they start to fall apart. I think the lighting in these areas is unique and wonderfull. The eye likes it and the mind wants to see it but thats as far as it goes. I would suggest you add some more mystery to the images.
Any way that you can. They are missing that final clue that makes it a complete story. I am sure this will evolve and regardsless of me. Time will always tell.Look at them 1 years , 5 years later.....Things change.
One aspect that is so important to this kind of work is making it have a reality beyond just what you see. I think you need to incorporate some more details in silouette or what have you at hand. I think if there is a photograph anywhere all the ingrediaents are there as well.
Lets say aside the road was a smashed up old shopping cart. Moving that into the photograph can add so much nuance that you've now gone beyond an image that doesn't really go anywhere. If these are passages make something pay us off for looking.
I totally understand what you are saying, but I was not going for a grit/reality feel. Where I lived(where alot of the photos were taken) was an industrial area, with alot of homeless people, drug addicts etc. I walked through that neighborhood everyday, trying to see the beauty in it all, and thats exactally what I captured. When taking those pictures I had no desire to capture the "realness" of the moment, because I was allready living it, and that wasn't something I wanted to capture.
Thanks for your comments tho, I will seriously think about them further