JLNobody wrote:Frank, you seem to have forgotten my most important assertion to you regarding my "atheism." Remember my distinction between "active atheism", wherein people seem to follow a doctrine that proclaims the "existence" of a No-God and worships Him (Madeline O'Hare or O'Hara, is an example) and people like myself who simply turn away from theism because it makes no sense to them. The first ARE, as you say, BELIEVING atheists; the second are simply non-theists. Mine is a perspective (i.e., a position from which theism makes no sense), that of "activie atheists" is a belief system.
A person who asserts or "believes" there are no gods...is an atheist.
A person who simply lacks a belief in gods (or "simply turn away from theism)
...which is to say, a person who also lacks a belief that there are no gods...
...are simply non-theists or agnostics who lack the integrity and sense of honesty to call themselves one of those things rather than pretending to be atheists because modern dictionaries indicate the word is being used that way these days.
And I would not be especially surprise to find out that most, if not all of them...are also liars whos considerations in this regard go much further than simply a lack of belief in gods...and really extends to beliefs that there are no gods.
I do find it interesting that you managed to post a smiley
which is a sign of concurrence
in response to Edgar's assertion that "That there is no God is a statement of fact. Scientific or not, it's that simple." That gives me another clue to what I suspect you are in this matter.
My other assertion that you seem to have forgotten is that agnostics like you (perhaps they can be called believing agnostics) argue that since neither atheists nor theists can provde "unambiguous evidence" for their positions, there is an equal chance that both can be either right or wrong. That suggests to me that you consider it possible (i.e., at least 50% likely) that there IS a god.
Well...if that idiotic bit of drivel makes your day go by easier...go with it. I thank you for the laugh.
Any of the other atheists out here who assert that there are no gods are under the same obligation to back up that assertion as a theist is to back up a claim for the existence of a God.
Both assertions are claims about the REALTIY of existence.
Both appear to be silly, blind guesses about REALITY...and until one of them comes up with some real evidence for their assertion...they should be laughed at.