A few years ago; I tried it with about a few minute tutorial from my old man who had all the equipment (Lesson 1: get a real lesson). We waded into the ocean on a really rough day.
Next thing I know, I'm getting turned over by the waves and getting my ass kicked off the bottom. About the time I made it out deep enough that I could duck the waves; I noticed the old man was nowhere in sight. Still struggling to keep any form of control, I finally see him heading for the peer, presumably for something to grab on to.
The problem there, if you don't know, and being from Wisconsin he didn't, is the barnacle buildup around a peer in South Florida will cut you to ribbons on a rough day. Yelling was useless on account of the pounding waves; so I dropped my weight belt and swam my ass off to catch him. I think we were both on the verge of drowning before I finally managed to drag his ass to shore. Lesson 2: don't wade in on a rough days.
Battered, bruised, tired and lacerated, I was still anxious to try it, so I decided to head for the inter coastal where the water is much calmer, but visibility is about 6 inches. No sooner did I get over the initial weirdness of breathing under water, crawling along the bottom; I got the **** scared out of me by a plant.
It was weird looking and came out of nowhere, I swear! Lesson 3: Plants are scary and no-visibility sucks. :wink: