Foist, thanks to all of you who supplied captions for the penguin pic. I took one look at that photo and felt that it was crying out for a caption. You did not disappoint me. I laughed out loud.
Tai, Thanks for the link to The Nature of Things. I can't get Canadian tv, but I'm sure that other folks can. Enjoy watching, you northerners.
Irish, The finches fighting is a spectacular shot. These avians shouldn't have a conniption. Calm down boids. There's enough for everybody. The dolphin picture is breathtaking. I gotta hand it to these meshugina wildlife photographers. I can't imagine how long someone would have to wait for such a shot.
firefly, You shouldn't post such pictures without a cuteness alert. I'm old and feeble. How much can a person take? Thanks, kid. It's a wonderful pic.
dj, You've been a busy boy. First, I loved seeing pictures of Gracie and the other dogs (and people) involved in the Katrina project. The Dog Whisperer once had a show about dogs rescued after Hurricane Katrina. He took in three. He found the owner for one. He brought it home. I blubbered. I'm such a softy. The B&O today are priceless. That's a very cute bunny, but the otter drinking from the spray is a doozy. Thanks mucho for keeping the B&O going. Love the ferret and the elk and the other pics, especially the barn owl. What a great face. Did you take any of the pics in your backyard?
osso, Thanks for the link to the story of April. She's a keeper. Bernese Mountain dogs are true beauties. Great coloring. As for the guy, the car, and the dog, I know Central Park when I see it. Love that pic.
Ionus, You don't need a barn to have a barn owl. Just like to don't need an egg or cream to have an egg cream. Some things just are what they are.