Roberta wrote:Tigershark, Parson bird is the perfect name for that bird!! Love it. Also thanks for the pigeon. Glad they're protected.
jes, That's a cute picture. Okay, here comes a confession. I have an irrational insane fear of mice. Mousaphobia. INSANE. Its was the sole reason I got a cat many years ago. Save me from the monster mouse--maybe 3 entire inches long. I'm fine with pictures, though.
(I think I hold the record for the fastest leap from floor to tabletop. Eek! A mouse! I'm ashamed. An animal lover shouldn't discriminate. Mice are cute little critters. Just, please, not here.)
Aw, Cleo's gorgeous!
Re the mouse. I, too, eek. A lot.
This time was great fun (not). I was in the downstairs bathroom, er, powdering my, um, you get the idea.
The door was slightly open as the room is right off the kitchen and RP and I are having a bit of a convo, plus it's stuffy in that little room. Keep in mind that the door is hung wrong and opens outwards and not inwards.
I am sitting there. I am about to get up. I look down on the floor and I see a dark brown streak (very small critter, smaller than the palm of my hand, sans the tail) fly by and through the open door. The kitchen garbage can is just outside that door and so I could tell it had cornered around the trash can. And then ran off to parts unknown (probably the ductwork, which is a mouse superhighway).
Oh course I eeked. RP was, I think, making salads so he was facing the counter and did not see our visitor. I think he (RP, not the mouse) must've initially thought I'd fallen in. By the time I explained, our visitor was long gone.
Anyway, a cat. Not possible here, unless I want to live my life in a perpetual allergic fog.