Its a cicada.
The little kids promised it didn't bite....was hoping the smiles on the faces weren't at my stupidity - but.... it didn't bite - just fab little (big) insect - was outside as the sun was rising and the noise is amazing.
(as we would say in Devon - it's a gert big cricket thingy!)
This little fellow is actually a pit bull.
I started a new thread, but I think it also ok to put this link here.
Thanks for the cicada info, Izzie.
jes, What a cutie. Thanks.
littlek, Absolutely ok with me to post this here. Delightful, fun. Made me smile.
We have cicadas here too, but they are not as colourful.
In summer, tree trunks are covered with these - their discarded outer shells:
dunno what it is -- no info given at the site this was originally posted...
jespah wrote:This little fellow is actually a pit bull.

Red nosed pit bull. Sadly, one of those was in the news here for savaging a 2yo child recently. It's all in the rearing, of course, but this is one of the most dangerous dog breeds in existence.
Here's a very relaxed kitty - meet Nicholas!!!!!
Tigershark, Thanks for the cicada shell. I agree that pitbulls can be dangerous, as can any dog, but I agree even more strongly with your statement that it's all in the rearing. Sorry to hear that a child was attacked.
reg, I have no idea what that is, but I like the way it looks, especially its head. Why? Quien sabe?
Izzie, Thanks for the feline pix. Hey Nicholas. Wake up!
Looks like Nicholas recently switched to decaf.
Hello Roberta, and others. Just popped in to say hello.
Hello, Alex..
for Roberta, some turtles in a photo I really like -
I've decided to barrage Roberta with photos for the sake of distraction.
Here's a baby gull of some sort in Monterey, California, from disneymike at Flickr -
Juvenile barn swallow by Ecosnake at Flickr -
Hiya alex, Long time no see.
osso, Thanks for the distraction. Love that toitle pic. Also love those baby boids.
Harlequin moth:
Hey hun - you're either up as late as I am (3.30am) or you are up with early birds in your part of the world (4.30am).....
so.... from one nite owl to the early Boida....
Green jays for you...
Izzie, I'm a night owl. Big time. I usually don't go to sleep before sun-up.
Dem jays is great. Thanks, kid.
Worlds smallest snake. A Threadsnake.
rosborne, Thanks for the threadsnake. I did some reading on these guys. Teeny weeny.