Yes, Rosborne. It's the often-elusive and highly powerful giant thumb. Generally seen in packs with other giant digits, the thumb is associated with primate groups. On occasion infant and child members of this intelligent group have been known to suck the giant digit! What will these primates think of next!
Stewart Island robin..a little cutie
The bands are very stylish. I wonder why researchers had to give the bird four? It seems like a lotta weight for a little flyer to be hauling around.
And the Highland cow! I wanna get my bangs to do that!
Because they are threatened with extinction...
The Stewart Island robin (Petroica australis rakiura)
is 1 of
subspecies of the New Zealand robin, and
occupies only Stewart Island and the surrounding
smaller islands (Heather & Robertson 1996). At
present, robins on Stewart Island are confined to
manuka (Leptospermum scoparium) scrub forest in the
Freshwater and Rakeahua river flats and monitor-
ing has indicated that the population is steadily
declining. The absence of robins from mature
podocarp forest may result from higher predator
densities in these areas (Greer 2000).
In September 2000, just before the breeding sea-
son, 16 robins were caught in the Freshwater Flats
and transferred by boat to Ulva Island in Paterson
Inlet (Fig. 1). Ulva Island was cleared of introduced
predators in 1996 and represents natural unmodi-
fied podocarp forest dominated by rata
(Metrosideros umbellafa), rimu (Dactydium
cupressinum), and kamahi (Weinmannia racemosa).
The object of the transfer was to introduce robins
to a former habitat, from which they had been ex-
tirpated by predators some time after 1900.
His cousin, the Chatham Islands black robin:
Didn't anybody tell the highlands cow that hair style went out in the eighties.
Tigershark, The little robins are exquisite. Thanks for posting.
Alex, The cows know the hair is a bit retro. They just don't care.
Purple-throated woodstar:
Silky anteater:
Nudibranch--Spanish dancer:
Garden snail:
Another backyard shot by Collins Cochran. This one really shows the headdress of the Gambel's quail.
Cinnamon Teal - Another superb flight photo by Tom Ryan taken at
Sweetwater Wetlands.
Vermillion Flycatcher by Tom Ryan at Sweetwater.
Thanks, mesquite, for posting such wonderful shots. I've been to Tom Ryan's site. He's very talented. Amazing clarity. Love those little flapper hats on the quail. Another beautiful pic.
Freshwater stingray:
Congo peahen:
Beautiful sea star Roberta.
I saw hundreds of these today.
alex, How I envy you getting to see all those hatchlings.
rosborne, Mercy bow coo for the adult version.
Tibetan antelope:
Kiang (Tibet):
Peregrine falcon (the fastest animal on the planet--200 mph in a dive):
Sailfish (the fastest fish--68 mph):