dov1953 wrote::...The act of murder is sometimes one of neglect. ....
Are you talking about Good Samaritan laws? Because there is no requirement to stop if you see an accident, for example. The woman in Georgia was a hit-and-run driver, an entirely different matter. She
caused a death, by setting into motion a direct chain of events (the collision and then not stopping to help the victim get treatment). But the courts eventually stop causation because that would make everyone guilty. Thing is, every action could conceivably cause everything else that happens afterwards, but what the courts are looking for is what's called
proximate cause. See:
Palsgraf vs. Long Island Rail Road.
Oh, and to answer the question at hand - no flippin' way would I want to live in a place that fancied itself to have perfect justice, even though imperfect justice sometimes results in wrongful convictions or perpetrators wrongly going free. It's a flawed system, but we are flawed beings. And, by the way, way back when,
Plessy vs. Ferguson was though to be correct and true, but then
Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, KS came along and
Plessy was overturned. In your allegedly perfect justice society, cases like that wouldn't be overturned - they'd be in place forever.