Here is an update on my diet.
It is true that I have lost weight and it is noticeable on this diet.
The last time I was at this weight I starved myself to do it and I was aware of the rubber band effect at work and I gained it right back. This time I have my metabolism and a well distinguished diet in hand.
This diet of nearly no meat substituted for nuts, berries and olives has also has some favorable side effects and some unfavorable.
One favorable side effect is that I don't smell as much. My bad breath has nearly vanished and my body odor has also abated. I could step out of a shower and my arm pits would smell within moments of leaving the shower. Now I don't even need to wear deodorant.
The main reason that I can come up with is that the meat staying in my body longer than the other foods causes it to rot in my body and this causes the added body odors (warnings) .
One other thing is I do not eat hot (as in temperature) food as often so that may also have attributed to the lowering of body odors.
I will start off by saying I am not a doctor or a nutritionist so much of what I say is off the cuff and has no real medical backing whatsoever. It is only my own personal testimony and my often erroneous observations. So any input or discussion on this subject would be very greatly appreciated.
So apart from the body odor being lowered I have also found that sugar is a very bad thing in large doses. It totally confuses the immune system and cause it to go out of balance also it depletes your energy (motivation) for exercises. True, pecan pie has nuts also but it is mostly sugar... (hehe, only a tiny sliver of pie should do you.) Keep the sugar levels at a reasonable balance.
I had surges in my appetite for sugar and I think it threw off the chemical balanced of my bodies parasitic organisms.
Especially my skin.
This is where the diet takes a strange turn.
Bacteria versus staph.
When staph over breeds on your skin it pushes out the bacteria from that area of skin and the staph grows into super staph. Most bacteria is good for your skin and body some bacteria is vital for proper digestion. There is of course bad bacteria too. (that is another discussion)
With the addition of oils to the diet there is the chance of more staph infections.
Staph likes to grow in warm oily places. Don't panic, there is a workaround.
This is a remedy for staph infections that my mother told me about years ago and "it works" in most cases even on the most stubborn of staph viruses, provided it is in a topical area.
Take a facecloth and immerse it in boiling hot water and place it on specifically the staph outbreak as soon as you discover it on your skin.
Hot water kills staph, remember this. Once you kill then staph the bacteria rushes in and multiplies and stabilizes the skin area. Do not attempt to pop the staph infection this only damages the skin. Juts put hot water on it each day and let the bacteria do the hard work.
This gets to the fundamental reason why this diet works... bacteria. Good bacteria helps you lose weight. Where do you get good bacteria (and some bad bacteria)? Veggies, greens, nuts dried, fruits, oils... things that are in raw form and that have grown in a natural ecosystem. Here is one example. Sometimes mediations will kill all of the bacteria in your bowels and you have to replace it to make them function properly. Many rely on yogurt for this but I have found that peanuts have much more active cultures. (I may be wrong on this) It just goes to reason that peanuts grow in the ground where there are millions of unique bacteria cultures growing. Also peanuts contain a percentage of mold that may also play a vital part in body metabolism and overall health.
I guess the point of this post is to say the diet works (as long as you do the push-ups too.) Strengthening the internal stomach muscles immediately causes the stomach to function at it's full digestive ability.
I just wanted to add this bit of a warning about staph and the dangers and remedies for it. The moment you feel a small sore bump within the skin it is staph and the sooner you compress it with hot water the sooner it will dissolve. Caution you skin is a living organ and do not scald it too much with the hot water. It only takes a moment of the hot compress to kill the staph working within the skin.
I also found that banana chips are a natural antibiotic.
Happy and healthy eating.
I also might mention that once you get all of the animal products out of your body you will no longer crave meats (if your diet is balanced). If you do return to eating meats you will be returned to the bad body odor and bad breath immediately. (The bad breath is caused by meat allergens and sinus/stomach and not necessarily tooth decay. This is a guess of mine.) The textures and inner shells from the nuts and crunchy grains also help cleanse the teeth.