Re: Dealer service or not?
dyslexia wrote:A few days ago the lady Diane's sun visor bascially just fell off the ceiling of her PT Cruiser. not all the way off but just dangling there in her face and seriously imparing her vision; so after brunch this morning we drove over to the dealer. The service manager looked at the fallen sun visor and said "well, we have to look up on the computer to see if you are still under warranty" so after 101 questions about her name, Social security number, address, email, mother's maiden name, number of live births and bra size he comes back with "yes, you are still under warranty, if you were not under warranty we could replace it in 15 minutes but under new requirement for warranty issues you will have to leave the car for one full day (or more) because all warranty work must have pictures taken, sent to Chrysler and await their approval.. Our next (Diane's next) car will most likely be a Toyota.
As an employee at a few different new-car service garages, I suggest taking it to the next Chrysler dealer and telling your story. Dealers are looking for all kinds of new ways to get money from you and this is the latest (and most pathetic) way to open your wallet. Manufacturers make warranties. Dealer garages make money for the manufacturer. The garages are actually rewarded for the number of warranty claims that are converted to customer pay situations. I used to be part of that awarding process before I quit.
It boils down to this. You are entitled to warranty repairs. Some questionable repairs have to be decided between the shop and Chrysler, but obvious failures like the one you have are a no-brainer. They are hoping you decide to not wait and pay the money to fix it. Its a big ploy and you should punch them in the nuts and go next door to the rival dealer.
Its like shopping for cell phone service. You tell them that one company is offering plan A and they counter with a better offer. If you take your Chrysler to a rival dealer and say, "smith Chrysler screwed me over with this crap... are you going to do that?" They will probably kiss your butt from here to Saginaw.