Wed 13 Dec, 2006 08:53 am
Why can't your kid throw a baseball in a single deft motion? Why does his Christmas list include Bette Middler's The Rose? Why does he dress like a figure skater?
Because you're feeding him all that goddamn hippie food.
Read what this health-nut-job has to say:
Or don't. It's up to you.
Free country and all that.
I figure that whole soy-turns-you-gay thing is propaganda secretly being spread by the beef industry....
Next time I go gay bashing, I'll be sure to say "go drink another soy shake, homo!" Or if I see some kid who throws like a girl, ask his dad how much soy he's being fed.
I was wondering who this guy was, then I saw at the bottom:
"James Rutz is chairman of Megashift Ministries and founder-chairman of Open Church Ministries. He is the author of "MEGASHIFT: Igniting Spiritual Power," and, most recently, "The Meaning of Life."
Guy is a bible thumper.
I'm curious if there are any legitimate studies that would support his claims.
So, what, is this, like, an evangelical taking a shot across the bow of the 7th Day Adventists? You healthy bastards are making a bunch of 'mos! Ha ha!
Does it also mean that soy milk is a cure for lesbianism?
(I think there are at least three threads on this topic)
I guess the million dollar question is: Do people buy Subaru Forresters after drinking soy, or does driving a Subaru Forrester trigger the urge to be a soy-guzzler?