Piffka wrote:Olga, I thought you'd want to know that Mr.P received several emailed comments on the Camus quote. It struck a chord with others, too, especially with some who had spent time serving their governments.
"The biggest lesson I learned from Vietnam is not to trust government statements."
Sen. James W. Fulbright (1905-1995) (D-Ark.)
Indeed, Piffka. "The first casualty ....." and all that!
The most astounding (& saddening) thing to me is that political leaders
continue to drag us, kicking & screaming, into wars we don't want a bar of! Who could believe that any country "wins" a war after the lessons of WW1? And remember the huge demonstrations just prior to (& after) the Iraq invasion? We were out on the streets pleading
"Don't do this!". So many ordinary people
knew that the planned invasion was utterly wrong. But they did it anyway. And look at the outcome. <sigh>
When will we have political leaders who
listen to us? And acyually
represent us? Sadly if their are huge profits to be made by wars despicable "leaders" will continue to wage them, under
any pretext. A pox on them, I say! <sigh>
Mr P is here, at A2K, Piffka? I'm curious, given the email responses.