Are you one of the bunnies that I have to heed Dlowan?
Goodness. He does catch on fast!
Welcome, Malek.
Hi and thank you. Are you ALL animals here? Should I be thinking about changing my picture?
The Prince
I promise not to offend him/her/it then. This is getting very confusing.
Good fun though.
malek wrote:Hi and thank you. Are you ALL animals here? Should I be thinking about changing my picture?
No, I am a PRINCE. But I have been called a tiger in bed. Does that count???
malek wrote:Hi and thank you. Are you ALL animals here? Should I be thinking about changing my picture?'re rawther cute.
If you can make someone purr in bed, then I suppose it does.
I'm going to have to speed my replies as that came out wrong. My last post was to The Prince. This could all get embarassing.
Thank you for the compliment Dlowan, (I think). I'm sort of hoping that you're a female bunny? No offence if you're not, mind.
the prince wrote:dlowan wrote:malek wrote:Hi and thank you. Are you ALL animals here? Should I be thinking about changing my picture?'re rawther cute.
Hands off bunny!!
You don't HAVE any quite what you think you are going to be up to in relation to them, I cannot imagine.
malek, Welcome to A2K. dlowan is a very attractive female Aussie.
Thanks, Deb, for the info. Trying to digest it. The main thing that concerns me is whether or no it is harmful.
Er I may be wrong, but I think I may have given the wrong impression to you two guys. I'm strictly hetero I'm afraid. I mean no offence by that, I'm just saying.
Darn, I've done it again. This place is too fast for me, I think.
Don't worry Malek, you'll catch on. And welcome.
malek wrote:..... I'm strictly hetero I'm afraid....
Don't be afraid. We like hetero's here.
Just be careful of the bunny though.
Thank you letty. I think I'd better get some typing practise, as I seem to be out of synch a lot here. This is a very busy forum, as anywhere else I've been, I have to wait ages for a reply. How many people are there here as regular members?
I ws surprised yesterday morning by an early wake up from squinney.......but I'll give no further details :wink:
I was later surprised by how we can be at the top of the food chain as a group and at the same time be so incredibly stupid and self destructive.
This morning I am surprised as usual by the fact that this continues to surprise me.
I'm also astounded this morning by the fact that Princess Diana is still headline news. (Can you tell I have the news on?)
What astonished and took me by surprise?
My boss actually said something nice about my work.
I wil take the rest of this to my rant thread, cos I need to rant, I think!
Now that I know she's an attractive female Aussie The Prince, I shall do my best to keep on her right side!
I've just seen your tag line by the way (very funny). I will look at them more closely in future, to save further confusions.
Thank you everyone for your welcomes. I think I like this place!