Well, it didn't make me
smile, nor did it make me
grimace & grit my teeth, so .... a new thread!
I hadn't been paying much attention to a (cherry) tomato plant that I'd planted a couple of months ago in a large pot, on my decking. On one of those wheelie thingies, so I could move it out of the way of the wind, into the sun .... you get the picture.
Anyway, it was doing rather poorly, I thought, then I got very busy, so I wasn't paying much attention ...
Today, taking a break from my my work, I noticed that it had developed. Boy, had it developed, it was now taller than

Straggly bits all over the place that needed to be staked. But the good news is: flowers & fruit!
Amazing what can be happening while you're not paying any attention!
I now have a triffid tomato plant! I just wish it would stop getting taller!