Dear readers, I did a most un-Olga thing yesterday. Seriously, I really surprised even myself!
There's this co-worker in my office who is as nice as nice when she needs a favour & then sometimes quite hideously unpleasant & rude when she doesn't. You get the picture? A pain in the bum, in other words. OK. I've tended to help when I can .. simply because I feel sorry for her, because .. well, she has problems. Real ones, I think. And besides, I hate conflict!
So yesterday (not being a day when she needed help) she was inexcusably rude not once, but twice in the space of about 5 minutes. To my utter surprise I told her exactly what was what! I don't know who was more gob-smacked, me or her!
Good for you!!! How did it feel--aside from the surprise?
I wondered why I hadn't said something a long time ago, Roberta. No exaggeration, this woman is quite insufferable. We've tended to lay off because, as I said, there does seem to be something of a "problem" there. But this time enough was enough! I didn't actually choose to say something, it just came out spontaneously.
Good for you.
The woman has problems--and this is sad--but she has no right to inflict her ill humor on innocent bystanders.
msolga wrote:But you didn't, right?
That would be a most un-Reyn-like thing to do!
No, but I sure wanted to! Grrrr....
I suppose I should have bought something like that in September.
msolga wrote:I did a most un-Olga thing yesterday.
To my utter surprise I told her exactly what was what! I don't know who was more gob-smacked, me or her!
hehehehehe, Takes one to know one.
I really was taken aback when a yellow popup in my systems tray read:
"Intrusion signature alert." What does that mean?
Hey, msolga. I've done that before, but under different circumstances. Cleansing, no?
Letty wrote:I really was taken aback when a yellow popup in my systems tray read:
"Intrusion signature alert." What does that mean?
Hey, msolga. I've done that before, but under different circumstances. Cleansing, no?

Sorry, I have absolutely no idea of what that could mean, Letty.
Cleansing? Hmmmm, Letty. It was rather like dropping a big, heavy bag of potatoes on my foot.: on one hand it was so good to finally let go. But on the other, what damage & fall-out would follow?
Letty wrote:I really was taken aback when a yellow popup in my systems tray read:
"Intrusion signature alert." What does that mean?
Hey, msolga. I've done that before, but under different circumstances. Cleansing, no?

Hope this helps somewhere, Letty:
Msolga, GIVE!!!!
How did your coworker react? What happened???????
A woman looks more sexy when she is angry. I wish I could have seen msolga when she did this
I was glorious in full rage, G!
msolga wrote:I was glorious in full rage, G!
So thats what it was I thought it was distant thunder.
The size of this site has astonished me! I've been reading various threads for over an hour now and feel that I've only scratched the surface.
I have been a member of two other places like this for about a year now, but this site is WAY bigger than the two of them combined.
size matters malek.
Able2 know, ask and ye shall recieve.
ps dont provoke the bunny!
I've already received a cryptic note about a hamster, now I'm being warned about a bunny.
These references to furry creatures obviously have some significance so I shall heed your words dadpad.
malek wrote:I've already received a cryptic note about a hamster, now I'm being warned about a bunny.
These references to furry creatures obviously have some significance so I shall heed your words dadpad.
Then you are welcome indeed, Malek!!!
Hamsters and bunnies and bears. Oh, my!
squinney wrote:Hamsters and bunnies and bears. Oh, my!
At least we have no dogs.