Sigh. In case you're wondering, yes, sometimes it does get tedious reporting some of the stupidity that gets published in the Oz press about the David Hicks case. But I have decided to "stay the course" ( :wink: )with this issue, because I believe it's important. To many Australians, Anyway. And I do feel sympathy for David Hicks' lawyers & others who try to put forward creditable arguments, only to regularly have folk like this person, Admiral Harry Harris, speak such unacceptable tripe on the issue. It's insulting, not just to David Hicks, his legal team, the many prominent Australians who have spoken out about the injustice of Hicks' situation, but the Australian people themselves. And it shows how seriously our coalition partner, the US, treats its Australian ally. As one caller to ABC radio talkback said this morning: can you imagine the outcry in the US if a US citizen citizen was held in an Australian prison without trial for 5 years? The thing is, it wouldn't happen. The US government wouldn't allow such a situation to occur. None of its citizens would be allowed to receive the treatment that has been metered out to David Hicks. It's not surprising that many Australians are now quite cynical (& getting more so) about our "alliance" with the US.
Anyway, this morning Greens leader, Bob Brown responded to those comments by Admiral Harry Harris yesterday. I listened to the PM interview. He seemed to be saying that anyone locked up at Guantanamo Bay automatically was a terrorist by the fact that they were there! And that it wasn't such a bad place to be!
Last Update: Friday, February 9, 2007. 10:21am (AEDT)
Guantanamo chief 'judging Hicks guilty'
Greens leader Bob Brown says he is outraged that the head of the Guantanamo Bay detention centre has described David Hicks as a dangerous terrorist.
Rear Admiral Harry Harris says Hicks is a dangerous terrorist and is only allowed out of his cell for two hours a day because he is a security threat.
Rear Admiral Harris says claims that Hicks is depressed are not true.
Senator Brown says the statements cannot be believed.
"The reports coming from other detainees who've come out of Guantanamo Bay - and they're verifiable - show that there's been inhumane treatment," he said.
"We know anyway that the rights of Hicks have been removed, he's had no legal rights - he's been judged guilty by Admiral Harris himself."
Rear Admiral Harry Harris has told the ABC's PM program that Hicks poses a real security threat and there are no innocent detainees.
"We are detaining enemy combatants here in Guantanamo," he said.
"That's the right of any nation at war to do that and it's an internationally recognised right.
"There's no expectation that they be tried or charged, with exception of those that are alleged to have committed war crimes."
Hicks's lawyer, David McLeod, says the Rear Admiral's comments make it clear Hicks will not receive a fair trial in the United States.
"This suggestion that because detainees are there, that that is in itself evidence of terrorism, or their being a terrorist, simply puts the lie to any attempt to deal with them in a fair and open manner," he said.
"To suggest that a prisoner in the Australian criminal courts is guilty would in itself amount to a mistrial or an inability to proceed appropriately and fairly before a court." ... <cont>