OmSigDAVID wrote:It seems to me
that high school n college students
r now a lot less aware, and less well informed
than my fellow students were,
in the earlier part of the 20th Century.
U c how Jay Leno demonstrates youthful ignorance
of elementary concepts on his show; ( admittedly, it cud be faked ).
OK: needle me some more
about fonetic spelling.
I need that.
Quote:Yes, you do need that.
You claim that your "phonetic spelling" is more efficient,
It seems obvious to me.
I can concieve of no good reason
to end the word tho with " ugh "
nor can I think of any reason
to jab Ls into wud, cud, nor shud.
Ill considered tradition is not a reason.
That 's like sentencing a child
to carry 10 pounds of useless wate around
with him all of his life, because its an old family tradition.
but you are consistently inconsistent in the application of that principle.
If efficiency is your guiding principle, why did you write "school," rather than "skool," or "skewl?"
I did that
because I don 't want to drive everybody nuts
more than I already have.
I am not 100% insensitive
to the complaints I 've gotten about it; ( maybe 86% ).
I feel a need to keep it somewhere within reason.
To parafrase Jack Nicholson:
U cudn 't HANDLE the truth.
Apart from that, your vaunted "fonetic" spelling can easily lead to confusion
or the failure of comprehension. You write "cud" rather than "could."
But cud and could are not pronounced the same
(except, herhaps by an ignoramus who doesn't know his or her native
language well enough to pronounce it correctly);
I was born in NY, and except for
5 years in Arizona, I have lived my entire life here
( other than overseas vacation travel ).
Over the last several decades,
my ignorance of English has progressively diminished.
I do not write " rite " instead of right, nor write
so as to avoid confusion with a ceremony;
however, it has been my filosofy in this matter
to point to a better way,
without arrogating unto myself
the instatement of a PERFECTLY polished product
of fonetic English. I am satisfied to show that there
is an easier, faster way.
Failing to do that is to be complicit
in PERPETUATING THE PROBLEM of non-fonetic spelling,
as I did for well over half a century,
b4 I began to demonstrate fonetic spelling.
During those years,
I never thought about fonetic spelling
and I corrected my secretaries for any imperfections
of their deviations from the paradigm.
Those who come AFTER me
will be faced with perfecting fonetic spelling.
Quote: additionally, what happens when you want to discuss ruminants, who chew the cud?
I rely upon the infrequency
with which this problem arises.
You use "r" for "are," but it could as easily be misunderstood for "our."
I do not pronounce the 2 words the same.
Its " r " and "owwrr", as I say it,
and as most folks do,
in my observation.
I acknowledge that there is a similarity.
Even if it weren't, who is to establish the conventions which make "r" the replacement
for "are," rather than "our?" Who is to decide that "n" becomes
the replacement for "and," rather than the replacement for "an?"
Who determines that one uses "c" to replace see, rather than to replace "sea?"
Teddy Roosevelt unsuccessfully endeavored
to enact fonetic usage rules for use in the federal government;
Congress did not support him.
He was ridiculed, as I am now;
I don 't give a damn.
I doubt that he did either.
in more specific answer to your questions:
I believe that Congress cud enact statutory guidelines
for usage in the federal government;
( maybe even find that fonetic spelling
will help interstate commerce n mandate it
like mudflaps on trucks ).
I do not expect that to happen.
I don 't support that.
Probably, it will come from
elementary school teachers
following the academic leading lights
of prestigeous universities, or appropriate
organizations of scholars of American use of English.
Maybe some respected academic source
will publish a fonetic dictionary.
I have a strong gut feeling
against the metric system
because I grew up with the English system
of measurements, but it cannot be denied
that a system based on 10 is much more convenient,
and regardless of my distaste for it,
Manifest Destiny will propel it to success;
so also fonetic spelling.
Your "fonetic" spelling is a scam, and a pathetic scam at that.
NO; a scam is something else.
Quite apart from being disingenuously applied, and inefficient because
of obscured meanings, it abandons all the elegance of expression and
pronunciation which has made English the greatest language in the history of the planet.
This is false.
U cannot justify jabbing Ls into wud, cud nor shud,
nor can u justify adding " ugh " to the end of tho.
That has NOTHING to do with " elegance of expression "
nor with pronunciation.
I predict that u will either IGNORE my challenge
to prove me rong
u will offer only vague generalities,
referring to tradition.
Prove me rong.
What a loser proposition.
The children of the future
need protection from useless torture
of being forced to spell the rong way.
The Spanish shud not be allowed to
keep a monopoly on sound reasoning
as to spelling.
Let 's do it for the children.