Butrflynet wrote: :::grin::: I should of come here first to ask for help. Instead I've been trying to figure it out myself the last 4 days and searching the techneese on google. I might not have as much of my hair on the floor.

Remember that! I love these questions.
Butrflynet wrote:
Some of the web pages are already getting to be on the slow side for loading so anything I can do to not put additional drain on it will help. For a graphic intensive page, which would be the better solution, the java script or individual html tags and which would be better, to use them on an individual basis per page or a global tag as you suggested with the use of base page?
First of all the javascript snippet is not a factor with page loading at all. That amount of text is so small an amount of data that it's impossible for you to tell the difference.
The speed factor i mention has to do with when it starts, not howmuch it adds to page loading.
Think of it this way. The browser loads the page in a similar order to how you read it.
So you ahve:
head stuff gets loaded before any body stuff
this is loaded next
then this
then this
here the script is loaded
it executes and determines that the page needs to reload to break the frames.
That means everything above it was a waste of time!
I'd put it right after the body tag.
Pro Con:
Pro :: never worry about the pages loading in your frames (or being framed by others), it won't affect page loading time significantly.
Con :: Some people turn off javascript.
Pro :: you get to determine which links open where. You can target frames, you can open the links in new windows...
Con :: You have to add it to each link that you want to be a frame buster.
base target
Pro :: no need to target individual links
Con :: less precise, you might want to mix the targets on one page.
Butrflynet wrote:
I am not well-versed on current languages so don't feel competent enough to answer your question about parsing PHP files. However, here's a capture from the host's plan description. Hope you can find the answer there. If not, I'll have to write to their support tech and ask.
The specs didn't mention PHP and it DID mention ASP. Servers with ASP rarely use PHP as well.
Here's some unsolicited advice.
ASP is a good languages for businesses taht can waste money on Microsoft.
Use a linux server.
I dunno what you are paying but for $7 a month you can get a host that is 5 times better than that one (5 times more space, 5 times more bandwith).
Butrflynet wrote:
According to everything I've read on blogger.com you can not change the choice of themes they provide unless you upgrade to the Pro version and I can't afford that.
I have never blogged so I don't know blogger. So I'll have to take your word for this.
Butrflynet wrote:As for the Inline Frame content automatically refreshing, I tested it twice and it didn't refresh.
Here is what I am trying to accomplish:
I have a themed page into which I would like to incorporate the content of a separate sub-page who's source is a file which is posted to and updated on blogger.com and then FTP'd over to my server's domain. The parent-page needs to refresh the content from the child-page each time the parent-page is loaded.
That is what should happen. I suspect that you are either caching the page or that blogger is not FTPing the page very quickly and you are seeing that lag.
Butrflynet wrote:
If you need to see the page to get a visual understanding of what I'm trying to describe in words, let me know and I'll send the address in PM to you. I'm not yet ready for it to be public.
Please do.