nimh wrote:What exactly do you consider "pampered" about expecting there to be sufficient internet access for the accredited press at an intergovernmental-level meeting, Lord?
.....and how do you justify the expense to British and European taxpayers, in supplying and installing a further 300 internet access points for a few days, so that journalists don't have the bother of waiting a further half an hour to send their articles?
Most of these guys have laptops nowadays, and can type their articles at leisure whilst getting pissed in the hospitality suite. They then have ONE HUNDRED access points to choose from, where they can plug the bugger in and send their piece via the net in a matter of seconds.
Let's get some reality here.
I could understand it if it was the old days, when the reporters had to telephone their articles into their head office. Then they may have some justification in moaning because their was only a couple of phone lines.
How much would it cost to install 300 access points, only to have them all removed (further expense) after a few days? £25 per point? (£7500....six months salary for a nurse)........ £50? (£15000)......more?
Why is it that people have a financial blind spot when it comes to the EU?
So....a few journalists were miffed that they were not given the red carpet.
And why were they there in the first place? What earth shattering information were they going to receive?
What were these get togethers all about, that made it necessary to hold them in the UK? Probably, the answer is that the journalists were going to receive the prescribed platitudes, spin and waffle that had been agreed upon in the back rooms of power, long before the gathering.
It is basically another excuse for most of the upper 'crats to have a little trip to a foreign country and show us all how they all get along so well (cue standard group photograph, standing on steps of grand building, with flags waving), when we all know that they are really sniping at each other and playing silly power games behind closed doors.
Confine all the meetings to Brussels, where the millions and millions of Euros that have been pumped into the palace provides more than enough comfort for those poor journo's. Bullshit can be delivered from any location, long as it has adequate net connections.