Tue 20 Sep, 2005 09:50 am
Lord Ellpus wrote:
Why is it that people have a financial blind spot when it comes to the EU?

What is this obsession with the EU that makes any mention of it, however trivial, get some Brits ranting and raving? Like Pavlov, it is.

Seriously - do you really think that if the British government holds a big presentation or meeting, British journalists are not provided with Internet access points? Of course they are. Governments are usually pro when it comes to facilitating those who report their actions.

One can only wonder about the indifference to reporters from abroad noted here. As the article says, "an obsession with domestic media [has] helped create the problems with the foreign press".
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Walter Hinteler
Tue 20 Sep, 2005 10:01 am
Just adding that I quoted the above - "an obsession with domestic media [has] helped create the problems with the foreign press" - from an UK paper.
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Lord Ellpus
Tue 20 Sep, 2005 10:12 am
nimh wrote:
Lord Ellpus wrote:
Why is it that people have a financial blind spot when it comes to the EU?

What is this obsession with the EU that makes any mention of it, however trivial, get some Brits ranting and raving? Like Pavlov, it is.

Seriously - do you really think that if the British government holds a big presentation or meeting, British journalists are not provided with Internet access points? Of course they are. Governments are usually pro when it comes to facilitating those who report their actions.

One can only wonder about the indifference to reporters from abroad noted here. As the article says, "an obsession with domestic media [has] helped create the problems with the foreign press".

I think you're missing my point, Nimh.

A simple one or two questions to you......

1. Is there a wonderful facility available for this sort of thing, built precisely FOR this sort of thing, that has more than adequate surroundings, technology sprouting from every corner, lots of bars and restaurants and central to most of Europe?

2. If so, then why the hell would anyone expect a major meeting of European leaders to be held elsewhere? .......Especially Newport, for gods sake. A couple of million sheep, 90% cloud cover most of the time and damp hotels. You mention the word "Net" to anyone in Newport and they immediately think of Cod! No wonder the system crashed.

3. looking at the agenda, one of the main points was to discuss the "Turkey" issue. This obviously makes it imperative to hold the meeting in the back of beyond, somewhere bordering the Atlantic, towards the very western tip of Europe, doesn't it.
So....question....if they HAD to ignore the Brussels palace and hold it somewhere else for some illogical reason, why didn't they make it more relevant to the Turkey issue and hold it in Cyprus (the Greek part)....
That way thay could have got some well earned r'n'r in the sunshine, padded their expense accounts nicely, and had a mini riot on their hands.

Then the press would have something interesting to write about......
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Walter Hinteler
Tue 20 Sep, 2005 10:26 am
Well, LE, you should ask Her Majesty's Government Prime Minister why he invited to this place.
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Walter Hinteler
Tue 20 Sep, 2005 10:31 am
Btw: there's nearly every week something going on at various places - as can be seen via "the official website for the UK Presidency of the EU 2005".
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Lord Ellpus
Tue 20 Sep, 2005 10:37 am
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Just adding that I quoted the above - "an obsession with domestic media [has] helped create the problems with the foreign press" - from an UK paper.

Don't worry Walter, I did note that, and it actually emphasises my point nicely.

The powers that be around the world are fast adopting the tactics of the USA, where the Press are given very clever soundbites and photo calls, to give "ooomph" to the spin.

Blair and his ex bulldog, Campbell, very quickly picked up on the value of spinning to the press, and are now past masters at it, unfortunatley.

We have had to witness a government that has been ABSOLUTELY obsessed with the right sort of press coverage, and I'm not at all surprised that some British journalists are bringing this sad state of affairs to the attention of their readers.

My point in all of this non story is, why the hell don't we use brussels?
Why do we all go to the totally unneccesary expense of holding these spin sessions anywhere else?

Does anyone know just how much the whole Newport set up cost?

I bet it would finance the running of a hospital somewhere in the EU for quite a while.
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Lord Ellpus
Tue 20 Sep, 2005 10:49 am
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Well, LE, you should ask Her Majesty's Government Prime Minister why he invited to this place.

Because he's a tosser, basically....and an enthusiastic passenger on the "gravy train" that is political life.
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Walter Hinteler
Tue 20 Sep, 2005 10:52 am
Lord Ellpus wrote:
My point in all of this non story is, why the hell don't we use brussels?
Why do we all go to the totally unneccesary expense of holding these spin sessions anywhere else?

It seems, Blair wants to show us 'Europeans' how to run the show, ehem, what a president of the EU can do and has to do (although others did similar during their presidency, too, perhaps not so many meetings in such a big number - Liverpool is culture², Newcastle is really an attractive place, Manchester - hmmmm!!!, London - without commend ---- only big meetings within a period of less than a fortnight, this month!
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Tue 20 Sep, 2005 11:09 am
Thats certainly a most evocative description of Newport, Lord...
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Walter Hinteler
Tue 20 Sep, 2005 11:09 am
From yesterday's press briefing at Downing Street (briefing took place at 09:00):

Asked if Downing Street had any reaction to the election result and its implications for the economy, the Prime Minister's Official Spokesman (PMOS) said that there was not really a result for us to react to yet so people would have to wait for that to be resolved first.

Some journalist added on a private blog:

"...so people would have to wait for that to be resolved first"


"We need to see what the winner's attitude to our world-domination plans will be..."

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Steve 41oo
Tue 20 Sep, 2005 11:29 am
"why the hell don't we use brussels? "

because our leaders like to spread the largess around and show off bits of the country that journos normally avoid. Like Wales.
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Walter Hinteler
Tue 20 Sep, 2005 12:22 pm
The BBC Monitoring collected some interesting opinions from Turkish newspapers:

Hadi Uluengin in Hurriyet

If Merkel, who has shown antipathy towards Ankara, had gained an overwhelming victory, countries such as Austria, Cyprus and even France, which are already very enthusiastic about blocking us, would certainly have made use of it. That issue is now closed - and more importantly, the general and long-term risk of German opposition has been eliminated.

Erdal Safak in Sabah

There are already comments in France saying that Merkel's defeat has turned Sarkozy's plans upside down, so we can look at the EU process more hopefully. Chirac, who has been moving towards the option of a privileged partnership for Turkey because of the Sarkozy factor, may gradually return to his old line.

Gila Benmayor in Hurriyet

Merkel's inability to gain the result she expected has been to our benefit. She will not be able to raise her voice very loudly ahead of the 3 October negotiations or afterwards. Another good thing is that Sarkozy has lost an important ally.

Semih Idiz in Milliyet

The results of the general election in Germany have both comforted and pleased Ankara ahead of 3 October. They have shown that opposing Turkey's EU membership does not provide as much benefit in German politics as was thought and that the political cost of giving strong support to Turkey on this issue is not as high as some have said.

Fehmi Koru in Yeni Safak

The first real result of this situation may be that Angela Merkel, who did not achieve the success she expected, will have to play down her obsession with Turkey. Merkel is not in a position to prevent the start of the EU negotiation process on 3 October, and Schroeder will probably maintain his interest in Turkey.
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cicerone imposter
Tue 20 Sep, 2005 12:54 pm
I do not believe for a second that Turkey is a dead issue for the EU.
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Walter Hinteler
Tue 20 Sep, 2005 01:01 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
I do not believe for a second that Turkey is a dead issue for the EU.

Well, it can't: Turkey is an official candidate country :wink:

Contractual relations and the main steps towards the EU
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Steve 41oo
Tue 20 Sep, 2005 04:43 pm
I am genuinely puzzled why Turkish membership of the EU is even on the agenda. I'm not saying I'm necessarily against Turkey joining, I just want to know why a country which is not in Europe is eligible.

If Turkey why not Iran or Egypt or Sudan? Has the EU any final borders?

Turkey is too big too poor and not in Europe. Harsh words but true.
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Tue 20 Sep, 2005 05:01 pm
With you on that one, Steve. Got me some puzzled looks and ever so polite flak from my sophisticatedly Europhile bosses the other day...
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Walter Hinteler
Wed 21 Sep, 2005 08:49 am
EU admits constitution is on ice

European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso has acknowledged that the EU will not have a constitution for "at least two or three years".
He said that the text was unlikely to be ratified in the near future, after French and Dutch voters rejected it.

However, Mr Barroso said this should not mean paralysis in Europe.

He said it was important to convince citizens of the relevance of the EU by creating jobs, improving security and protecting the environment.


"In all probability, at least for the next two or three years, we will not have a constitution," he told reporters in Brussels.

The failure of referendums in France and the Netherlands earlier this year led an EU summit in June to call for a period of reflection, rather than risk further rejections in other countries.
The constitution cannot become law unless it is ratified by all EU members. So far 12 have approved it, but only two of them by referendum.

The Commission spent Tuesday "brainstorming" at a chateau in southern Belgium about the future of Europe.

Mr Barroso insisted on Wednesday that the EU should not be nostalgic for the constitution, but should make the most of the existing treaty framework.

"Let's get things done that ordinary people can see and appreciate," he said.

Budget plea

He added: "We don't want a mediocre, defensive Europe that tries to bury its head in the sand to avoid the realities of the 21st Century."

He said Europe had to modernise its economic and social models to cope with its ageing population and an "unacceptable" level of unemployment.

And he urged the UK, which holds the presidency of the European Council, to make progress on solving a row over the EU's 2007-2013 budget.

He said this would give a crucial signal that the EU can go forward.

The problems over the constitution and the budget provide the backdrop for an informal summit of European leaders at Hampton Court to be held in London at the end of October.

The UK presidency says this will focus on how to provide social justice and competitiveness in the context of globalisation, and how to make policies in areas such as justice and home affairs, foreign policy and defence work better for the people of Europe.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2005/09/21 14:09:14 GMT
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Walter Hinteler
Thu 22 Sep, 2005 03:03 pm
The largest recipient of EU funds in 2004 was Spain (€ 16.4 billion) ahead of the the populous member states, France (€ 12.9 billion), Germany (€11.7 billion), Italy (€10.4 billion), and the UK (€7.1 billion). Spain is the largest recipient of funds under structural operations, followed by Germany, Italy and Portugal.

Funds for new member states have only started to flow. Poland (€2.7 billion) comes at the 10th place of EU-25. All new Member States recorded a positive net balance, amounting to € 2.9 billion for 2004, an increase of € 1.3 billion compared with 2003, before they joined.

In terms of percent of gross national income (GNI) Greece (3.52 % of national GNI) and Portugal (3.35 %) received relatively most funds, followed by Lithuania (2.81 %), Estonia (2.50 %) and Latvia (2.46 %).

more: First budget of enlarged EU benefits all Member States. Main beneficiaries remain the same
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Walter Hinteler
Sun 25 Sep, 2005 12:21 am
Poland votes today in general elections.

In the 16 years since the fall of communism, no Polish government has won re-election and opinion polls have showed the parliamentary elections - the first since Poland joined the EU - look like being no exception.

A look at the Polish parliamentary elections:

WHAT'S AT STAKE: Fifth fully free parliamentary election since end of communist rule in 1989. The next government of this new European Union member will need to tackle serious problems, including a health care crisis and a jobless rate of 17.8 percent - the worst in Europe.

ELECTORAL SYSTEM: Seats in lower house distributed according to party's share of vote; senators chosen in electoral districts.

ELIGIBLE VOTERS: Just over 30 million of Poland's 38 million citizens are eligible to vote.

Center-right parties likely to triumph in legislative elections

Centre-right expected to crush Poland's ruling left

Sejm (lower parliamentary house)

Senat (upper parliamentary house)
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Sun 25 Sep, 2005 10:49 am
This is part of my intro to a new thread I started:

nimh wrote:
Drastic reforms of the European welfare state are unavoidable, say the conservative and liberal market reformers, and they insist that its not even so much a question of ideology, but one of simply facing the facts. The birth rate in Europe is ever shrinking, the baby boomers of ´45 are nearing retirement, and from thereon, the proportion between tax-paying working persons and those receiving pensions or other state benefits will simply become steadily more disadvantageous. It will simply become impossible, they say, to keep on affording a socialdemocratic welfare state.

One counterargument is that of immigration. Despite the current Europe-wide backlash against immigration, it will remain just as much a fact of life. And immigrants tend to be of working age. (SNIP--see thread)

That counterargument right now is electorally hopeless in many countries, though. But the French, of all Europeans arguably the most averse to the recipes of the free market dogmatics, are exploring other alternatives to save the welfarestate. In addition to following the example of the Scandinavian countries, where women- and parent-friendly workplace policies allow families to combine jobs for both parents and child care without having to jump through expensive or exhaustive hoops (good, affordable child care, availability of part time work, avoiding the workplace mentality where those who aren't work-aholic are given up on, career-wise), the French are going for a conscious encouragement of larger families.

Bébé-boom: Paris encourages the wish of many French to have three children

Will be right back with a link - this computer allows only for one window to be open at a time...

Here you are:

The children of the French welfare state
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