OAK....You're white? Wow, ya' think you know people. I thought it was the lighting, in your picture.
...BTW, I have a confession to make. I took that test, a long time ago, and was to miffed to admit my results. I'm miffed, because, before taking the test, I expected to score, almost perfect on it. since I moved to NYC, 20 years ago, I discovered the difference in oriental facial structure, and it became, a little thing I did, to learn to distinguish, and identify the country of orgin. Just a few weks ago, I was showing off*, while in the prescence of several Asian people, while at an X-ray facility. I made such an impression on those guys, but felt so pissed off when I took the test,and scored a six.
...*I mentioned my ability, and a couple of the guys encouraged me to "show off". That's usually, a private thing with me.