Mr Stillwater wrote:And 'white'. Now, what the **** is that? [..] 'White' is a mental construct. 'White' is a way of life. 'White' is what your damn parents told you you were. Got zero to do with your genetic makeup.
Agree with all of that.
(Consider what is considered 'black' in the US vs what is considered 'black' in Cuba - fbaezer wrote about that. Though the far poles of very most white vs very most black are obviously visible enough, otherwise the definitions are extremely flexible, and in extreme measure determined by the respective cultures' context.)
'F course, the same goes for ethnic identity. What the **** is "Serb"? Or "Dutch", barring the passport and voting rights (i.e. as ethnic rather than political identity)? Every of these emotional allegions is, in the end, a collectively cultivated fiction.
No less powerful a determinator of every aspect of our societies, though, each of these. The fact that "whiteness" is
not merely a function of genetic makeup is exactly what makes these kinds of studies so necessary. (Otherwise, the curriculum'd be short enough ..).