squinney wrote: Does a child that is whipped and punished harshly for a minor crime love his father? Does a child that fears his father love him? I don't think so. My Dad had a horrible temper when we were growing up. (He's softened with age). We all ran to our rooms and looked busy when we heard him pull into the driveway.
LOL! How can you look to child for the meaning of love. A child will "love" anyone who allows him or her to have their way.
squinney wrote:If your father whipped you before he left for work and said "I'm going to work. I know it's a teacher work day and you'll be home and tempted to steal a cookie from the cookie jar so I'm spanking you now for that crime," aren't you going to go ahead and take the cookie after he leaves since you've already been punished?
LOL! Your father is a lunatic. Who punishes people before they commit the crime? Oh, we almost forgot, you should not have a problem with that. What is wrong with preemptive punishments? Is'nt that in your laws? Your father actually did you a favor; he gave you great practice for today. He was preparing you and you did not even know it. LOL!