Tue 17 Jun, 2003 10:20 pm
I can't be the only one watching this. It is a scream. It has two alleged virgins (one is 26...hmmm), an atheist, had a lesbian (who until the moment of discovery was best friends with the most vile, 'Christian' virgin...) (The lesbian also has very bad problem skin!)
The *black, virgin, 'Christian', when being 'fitted' with her python for the shoot, yelled, "Help me, Jesus! Help me, Jesus" (If I thought for a milisecond she was sincere, I wouldn't say anything--but you have got to see this woman. (The black virgin has a butt that is too big for one of the judges. Tyra yelled at tht judge and basically blamed her for anorexia.)
*(Described as black, virgin, Christian because there is a white, virgin, Christian... )
The one who seems like she'll win is hated by all and currently accused of bulemia. Also the atheist, which makes her really popular with this crowd.
Anyone else seen this?
No TV.
Vicariously "watching" TV through this thread though! :-)
Please continue, as I don't have a remote control that effects A2K, and I'm dying to hear how it goes...
Sofia, what channel is this on? I haven't heard anything about it.
The WB channel.
A horrific scene-- The BCV (herein black Christian virgin) had a 'forced prayer' and the SIA (skinny intelligent atheist) was compelled to join in.
Out eating at a restaurant, the girls discussed their religions. SIA was roundly harangued for her non-belief. Later, at the condo, BCV finds a scripture saying something about "Only fools don't believe..." She discussed this with the others and called SIA into the room and suggested she read it! Why are televised Christians THE WORST THE WORLD HAS TO OFFER?
Meanwhile, SIA (a pre-med student) is being secretly monitered by all the girls as to how much she eats, and if she could be sticking her finger down her throat when she goes to the bathroom.
They have had some neat shows. Every night, they go through some 'model challenge' (heehee, sounds goofy). They have a make-up challenge, sponsered by Max Factor...acting lessons, because modelling has aspects of shoots, with snakes, in freezing temps with bathing suits....runway practice...
And the politics of the expulsion is getting wicked. Janice Dickerson, "the first supermodel" seems like an old, dried up coke head, who really needs her coke. She is vicious, and has had negative views of all the black women. They are probably not based on blackness, but other things--but Tyra ain't havin' it!
BSL (bad skin lesbian) was a hoot. She was always yelling at everyone. No matter what was going on, it was all about her and the fact that she is "An African American Female!" Bad move to vote her off. She was live.
mac11--Do you get The WB?
I do, but it's not a channel I watch very often ...
Sofia's So Right!
I have not missed an episode since the show has started. I didn't know if I'd like it or not but I LOVE IT! I can't believe these girls. Nicole (one of the girls that got voted off) was voted off because she couldn't get her mind off her boyfriend! I mean come on, it was sooo obvious it was over between the two when she left him 5 thousand messages and he never called her back. Now, she probably went home not only a loser but to a guy that probably has another girl! Get a grip honey... I am so glad the "BSL" is gone, she drove me crazy! She would have/been/could a good model but her skin was bad and her attitude sucks. But the "BCV" drives me crazy too. I am a christian but GEEZ! She is driving the point home. She is sooooooo righteous and every word that comes out your mouth doesn't have to be a scripture. She is getting old and her righteous is not going to help her make it to the top. The "SIA"...hmmm. Well, like I said, I am a Christian so I don't believe her belief. That will be between her and God on judgement day. But, I do think she is going to win. I don't think she was crying because she was uncomfortable during "BCV" prayer...for some reason I think it was deeper. She has the walk, the size, and the look to be a model. These days, she is what models look like. I like Adrianne too. She needs to work on talking clearer, but she can't help it...she's from "Chicaaaaaago". LOL. She has the look, she also needs to work on her walk and confidence but I think that she looks good on camera. A few of the girls voted off I think could've went all the way, it was just they were immature, not focused, and not trained. We may see them on the screen or in a magazine in the future. "WCV" is cool, she has a biiiiiiiiiig smile and she's and all american blonde haired blue eyed girl. But like Tyra said, she's gonna need more than that to make it in the industry. Overall, the show is hot. We are getting down to the wire and I can't wait to see what two are left! The girls need to get off "SIA"'s back about her eating if they don't know for sure. I had a friend who died of bulimia and I had no idea she wasn't digesting all the food she ate so I wouldn't say just let her kill herself. But leave her alone unless you know for sure and don't hound her. Calling her skinny and saying she doesn't eat forces her to eat more and if she is anerexic, that will turn her to bulimic. What do you that watch the show think?
Welcome to A2K, TVHead! (nice name)
I still haven't seen this show. What day and time is it on?
Tuesdays at 8 for the preceding show-- 9 for the newest.
I won't spoil the vote off, but the girls had to pose in the nyood.
I was dismayed that no one was a Crazy Tyra Banks Model Show Freak with me. We missed the last one! It was great--and my favorite wannabe won!!!
The drama, the angst, the backstabbing!!!
Someone has got to promise to watch next season with me.
Don't any of you people get the WB?