gadgetaddict wrote:
you're apologizing to me for fragmentation? Thank you thank you thank you so much for:
1) replying
2) replying at length
3) replying so quickly!
so i think i can overlook a little fragmentation
I'll answer anything I know the answer to and then a few million things that I don't. :-)
gadgetaddict wrote:
In the headers I also repeat the page title for keyword frequency.
Notice how in the header near the the page title is reapeated? The page title is the key in phpbb code for optimizing for search engines and to my knowledge this site is the only one that has optimized the way I have done it.
In regard to page title I did:
A) removed the site name from the page title. Nobody is searching for the site name, they are seraching for the keywords.
If you look at the title of this apge in IE (or whatever your browser is) you will see only the topic title as the page title. I removed the site name.
B) I repeat the page title in the header template (overall_header.tpl). This is for keyword frequency.
gadgetaddict wrote:
Now, as long as it's not jail bait count me in
I didn't understand the CMS reference.
CMS is content management system. It's what some people call a "portal" (portal means both a directory and a CMS these days).
On our home page you might notice that there is dynamic forum content, and that there are over 60 pages that dynamically use the phpbb database.
I have integrated everythign with the forum database. If you use the contact us page:
You will see that the username and email is pulled from the database.
If you check out teh flash chat room you will see a quick and dirty database integration as well (many people have asked for my chat code and I have released it without documentation).
The CMS pages I use were originally phpbb fetch_all pages by a coder named Ca5ey.
I modified them with suggestions from him and have used those pages for many many many applications.
I have written modified portal scripts and have used other scripts in these pages.
If you want to use fetch all I'll dig up a link but phpbb is coming out with their own portal soon so you may want to wait.
gadgetaddict wrote:
As for the headers, i'm sorry to be stupid here, but do you mean headers in headers.php, or on each module, or index.html and index.php? i know just enough to wipe out my database, but not enough to fix it...
By headers I meant the top part of the page that is repeated.
In phpbb this is defined in the templates using templates/templatename/overall_header.tpl
My code is weird and I actually use 6 header files (of the php variety) and 6 header tpl files.
gadgetaddict wrote:
I understand what you did to the sid with your one-liner - makes a LOT of sense, instead of specifying individual bots - as i don't want anonymous posting, i don't mind it keeps guests from posting, in fact, that would be my preference!
Those are the reasons I will be using the code. It also decreases the risk of being accused by a search engine of "cloaking".
gadgetaddict wrote:so, I guess I'm basically begging for whatever search engine mods you're willing to post.
Remind me if I don't post some tonight, I need someone to bug me to write up my own mods.
gadgetaddict wrote:The phpbb site had roughly 29 pages on the major thread, and then a couple of other threads - and basically i was more and more confused as time went on.
I know, I tried to help with a simplified set of threads but people kept asking the same questions and confusing each other. Plus I have less time to help on
gadgetaddict wrote:
I did look through my site's logs and see google's webcrawler visited april 23 - and was never seen again.
You need inbound links to get spidered. Otherwise Google will just check you out.
gadgetaddict wrote:
I had already enabled one of the mods i had seen from the phpbb site, but i guess google didn't like it.
I am using phpbbfm (fully modded) which is basically a phpbb2.04 package with 217 mods - which could potentially be giving google a coronary.
Mods are unlikely to kill your chances in Google but they can hurt.
gadgetaddict wrote: routes you to a subdirectory and the index
That kind of a redirect REALLY hurts you in search engines.