Cow's juice straight from the udder is pretty good
Is that before it goes into the pail, oldandknew? If so, I'll have to take your word for it...
Thanks, Farmerman, for that ode to Moxie. Sounds like I'm not likely to find it in these parts. Not sure whether to feel rueful about it, though...
Into the pail first. the pling plong noise of thhe milk hitting the metal pail is a kind of music.
the only time I drink soda is with alcohol and then it's only tonic. Occassionally I want my gin with soda water though. Never drink the stuff straight, soda that is.
About twice a month the wife and I go out to eat. That's the only time I actually drink the stuff. Last time, I put two thirds orange soda and one third cola in my cup. Not bad a tall.
Incidentally, I have read that Coca Cola has a patent on the cola coloring. It is listed on the patent as "immune system depressent". So I read several years ago. I never actually verified this.
I would have chosen root beer but it was not on your list.
seconded only by a rootbeer orange soda combo
: )
that's odd (the "Immune System Depressant" thing). When I bartended I did drink soda. I worked quite a few dull day shifts and had to do something to keep myself awake. Can only do crosswords for so long in a day. I used to mix ginger and coke.
you can have rootbeer Paleo, not room for everything on my list.
so people can just add in
Cow juice? That's disgusting! I'd rather drink milk.
Littlek, I'm from the midwest. When I say soda, I mean completely unflavored carbonated water (club soda or seltzer)... when I mean the flavored stuff, it's pop!
Orangina. but much more often it's Diet Sprite.
Orangina is awesome. Anybody like Yoo Hoo?
When i need a pop at home, it's usually a Schweppes Ginger Ale, but at work it's Diet Pepsi a couple of times a week.
For some reason, I picked up some C-Plus Orange pop on the weekend. I think I'll stick to my o.j. with calcium.
I love apple juice so much I can make myself sick from drinking it, so I try to be very careful with it.
Wy, well then, neither pop or soda for this yank.
Beth - I do that with a blueberry juice I buy. Funny.
i like grapefruit juice too, but i add a bit of vodka to take the bite out......
The tap water here is desalinated seawater. It's drinkable, but few people like to. Lately I've acquired a taste for Ramlosa Swedish mineral water.
During our last repat in the States we were looking at the drinks at Walmart when a total stranger came up and recommended the store brand zero calorie grapefruit juice. It was 50 cents a bottle, so we decided to try one. She was right - it was good stuff.