I think my biggest pet peeve of any posting type
r the 1s who dont tke time 2 spel.
I dont even read those.
I'm with you on that - u r 2 right! I have to translate it and it takes too long.
Whoa.... I feel dizzy looking at that last post aperson... niiiice...
oh MAN!!! You reminded me of the below.....duuuuude.
aperson, you MUST listen to this. First though, do what gargamel says, and take 2 hits of acid.
man, I could listen to this for hours.
damn you
it took me months to forget that ******* thing..
Oh, I instantly knew what Chai's link was gonna be, before I even saw that she mentioned Gargamel's 2 hits of acid advice...hee hee hee
I bet if aperson clicked that link, either his head exploded or else he became a cutesy-convert and he's giddily happy all the time now.
I didnt ( your my cuppy cake..) know what she was ( gum drop ) linking too ( schnookums schnookms )
i was gullable ( your my ) . Next time I wont ( sweetie pie ) click on anything from Chai
Now I cant get that damn ( your my cuppy cake gum drop ) song outta my HEAD!
I'm just waiting to blow apersons mind.
waiting patiently....tap tap tap...
ya know ya can get "cuppycake" as a ringtone doncha?