2PacksAday wrote:
The way Canadians and Brits tend to use university always sounds odd to me as well..."Next fall, my daughter will be attending university."
Again, for me, it needs the, or a in front of it, to sound correct. I use college the same way, without a, or the, in front of it...."Are you going to college next year?"
Setanta and I have had this discussion a few times. College and university provide different types/levels of programs in Canada.
Universities are generally more 'academic', while colleges are more 'technical'. People will sometimes go to college if they don't meet the academic standards to get into university. Others choose to go to college as the programs are more directly employment-focussed.
The courses we offer in high school are streamed toward honours level university programs / general university programs / college programs / work straight out of high school (the vocational and technical streams).
It's a whole neeeeeeeeeeeeeew world.
<there should be an emoticon here, but I understand they've been banned>