Thanks....I have ran across
maths a few times here and there.
It never hits me as completely improper, just seems to be missing
the in front of it. As in, the maths, the sciences...etc.
The way Canadians and Brits tend to use
university always sounds odd to me as well..."Next fall, my daughter will be attending university."
Again, for me, it needs
the, or
a in front of it, to sound correct. I use college the same way, without a, or the, in front of it...."Are you going to college next year?" But university is almost always said as so....The University of Ky....The University of Mo...or of course abbreviations are used, which solves the problem completely. Old Miss, Missou, Murry State...
But, I'm just a rambling it's not important.
And now, to get this back on topic....
