I have just been to hell and back and there is no electricity there.
Just kidding... however....... it can be hard to meditate successfully when you can see your breath in your own living room. I am so recently back from the mental and physical chaos that was the Pacific Northwest during the aftermath of our recent big wind-storm that I'm still in a whirl. We were five nights without power, the darkness pierced only by candles and oil lamps. What a new wave of appreciation for this soft soul!
I am glad and gratified that you liked the links. The crazy Daoist music? Yep... Buddha Bar's far better. I've grown to love that Chinese music, but the first time I heard it, I thought the website had been vandalized.
Something I like to do.... does anyone else do this??... is to palm my eyes and watch for the blue light. Oh, I'm nearly addicted to it. I spent a lot of time keeping calm in the aftermath of the storm by watching my own inner weather.
I also had time to think. I considered what I'd written here and wondered to myself if I would really be brave enough to go to hell if it would save everyone else. I realized that it would be to save those I know -- an attachment to individuals. Even in my "best" moments, however imaginative and foolhardy they might be, I see that I am not Buddhist. Maybe QuanYin has her own reasons, too.
JLN -- I'm trying to think of one thing that St. Thomas did right. What a cruel thing for him to say -- horrible man. He is such an example of the worst of Catholicism (I looked at his record and he was Fr. Let's-add-even-more dogma, discipline and domination.) that, at least from my view, he's right down there with St. Paul ("The Nasty") who I'm sure was a liar and led the church to its own perdition.
I'm giddy to be back online. Maybe my year-long hiatus wasn't enough.