Hello, Ashers. Nice to meet you. Gratitude for what you've been given is always a good thing. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I haven't read that much by Thich Nhat Hanh, certainly not every book that he's had published. Since you asked a question about submission, maybe you'd be interested in his Living Buddha, Living Christ -- but I didn't enjoy it that much or finish it. It felt a little out-of-date or else by the time I found it, I'd moved beyond worrying about Christian thoughts vs. Buddhism. I have a CD of TNH talking and that is probably my favorite thing. He has such a kind way of speaking. The transcriptions of his teachings on his plum village website are the next best thing. They are very interesting and that website is also where his Fourteen Precepts are described. In the transcripts he tells a lot of stories and he tries very hard to be clear in how he proceeds. They are naturally calming and peace-making. When I read them, I feel like I could be right there. Here's the webpage:
It is asked, btw, that if I mention these teachings, I not change or edit them in any way, so I feel a little guilty giving you a brief of one I particularly like. It is about beauty and there is a sentence:
"The best teacher is the teacher who can help you to see that there is a real teacher within yourself." I think that is a very important concept. However, Ashers, I am not a Buddhist, nor even a real student of Buddhism. Thich Nhat Hanh, has an interesting background and a beautiful soul. His kindness emanates from him, possibly in an even more gentle way than the good humor of the Dalai Lama. I'm naturally drawn to him. That he is able to forgive Americans for the cruel American War (what we refer to as The Vietnamese War) truly illustrates his higher level of being, imo.
As I mentioned earlier, I prefer the Daoist beliefs and their simpler message. You said something about what is more important, Peace on Earth or submission to God. I don't believe in the submission because I don't believe in a god, certainly not as defined by any of the Abraham-type religions and I'm a little shaky, if truth be told, about whether there was a real Buddha. (My film-maker friend is making a film right now that follows the Buddha's supposed path -- the Bodhi tree, the stream, his home, Deer Park. I look forward to seeing it... maybe I'll change my mind, but I doubt it.) I think that whatever runs the universe is way too big to be limited by speech, submission or naming words. To me, the path that you choose will always be a submission (to your god...if you will it... or to "my" amorphous, un-namable force) because you can't get away from that force, that way of being. It's like gravity. It isn't necessary to make up fairy tales to send you on your way. If you need a fairy tale to make it more interesting, well, that's a whole different reason for religion. The problem with believing fairy tales is that if any part of it isn't true, than the entire story becomes suspect.
To me, there is a true shining path (not the South American Shining Path) that leads you most quickly to peace and (yes) happiness. Some people naturally see it and can follow their path more easily than others. I've met people who choose their vegetables by holding a dowser over each one... others can quickly pick their vegetables because they don't care which ones they get.... and there are a few who naturally see a glow to the vegetables that are most right for them. No matter how, they get a good share of vegetables.
(Ashers, I have lived in one small place for so long that I have naturally met most of the interesting people in my little town. You are probably young and have a lot of time to find interesting people wherever you are. I am very lucky with a few of my contacts. It hasn't always been this good.)