Eorl wrote:echi wrote:I'm not sure I follow you, Eorl.
What would qualify someone as a "bad person"? (I realize I used the term, first, but I don't really know what it means!
. . . esp. from a humanist POV.)
Recently there was a man not far from here who tried to kill his daughter because she had converted from Islam to Christianity. I see that behaviour as "bad" or "wrong" from my humanist POV. Someone who regularly makes such decisions for such reasons, I would think of as a "bad" person. All subjective of course.
Right. We understand.
The man who tried to kill his daughter was not doing 'bad' in any real sense of the word.
Just in your OPINION he should not have done so. It's a matter of preference, that's all.
But others may hold a different opinion (i.e that the man SHOULD HAVE killed his daughter) that is just as valid as yours.
Neither opinion is better than the other.
Neither is 'right' or 'wrong'.
They're just opinions, right?
There is really nothing, including terrorists flying planes into buildings, or chainsaw murders, or torture, or cannibalism, or anything else that is truly 'bad'. (With the possible exception of being a Christian, now THAT'S just wrong.).
Just differences of opinion, right?