Re: Guess Who's The Old Guy?
Reyn wrote:cyphercat wrote:The REAL question is, why do people always stuff a mouthful of food in right when you're asking them how everything is??
By chance, you're not a waitress by trade, are you?

I wear many hats. Also aprons.
Oh, hahaha, the ramblings of an old man are so cute!
Allow me to get you a bib, sir. :wink:
Don't forget to call him honey and pat his hand.
Don't forget my change. No tip for you.

Nice exchange, youse guys! I'm seeing images.....
That stuff's illegal, reyn.
Since when is Metamucil is illegal?
Oh. When people start seeing images, I naturally assume . . .
As I've said before, my "senior moments" are nowhere as destructive as were my "junior moments". I'm very content being an old geezer--except for the colonoscopy I have to have tomorrow morning.
Heck, I'm happy to be the old guy. When I make a mistake or something, I tell folks, "Hey; I'm old." Right away they overlook any transgression. It's great.
Aaack! Hang in there, JL.
That is so funny, Edgar!!