Tue 24 Oct, 2006 05:45 pm
When Mrs edgarblythe and I went to eat at the I-Hop ta other day, the waitress suggested that we were eligible to-buy-one-get-one-free, by way of senior discount. We ordered coffee, the perused the menues. When it came time to order, I asked for the half a roasted chicken.
Waitress: "What vegetables would you like?"
Waitress (writing): And what other vegetable. You get two."
"It says it comes with red potatoes."
Waitress: "You don't have to have those."
"That's what I want."
"Do you want a salad?"
She tried to cajole me into taking the salad, or at least something, despite my insistance I didn't want it. Finally, I agreed to a dish of cantaloupe chunks, which I had no intent to eat. She was extremely solicitous, coming over once and saying to me, "Good?" To which I nodded, mouth full of chicken.
The whole thing sounds very innocuous and hardly worth telling, except-
I began to feel the way Spencer Tracy's character felt in Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? Remember the way he was old and flustered, and how he threw the sock drawer down out of frustration? The more she fussed with me, the more I felt like that guy. A harbinger of things to come?
Things to come? Already here, old boy.
<Gustav puts an arm around Edgar and welcomes him to the world of senility>
Fortunately, I had my false teeth well glued in to eat the chicken with.
Was the waitress one of them young sassy things in her sixties. I hate whippersnapper waitresses like that.
At least you're getting out of the house....
At least she didn't offer to run the whole meal through a blender for you.
Stay away from the corn on the cob... It's a pain having to cut the kernels off.
The waitress looked to be in her late thirties.
Yes, we get out a bit. We had just come from a brand new Garden Ridge Pottery store.
I'm waiting for them to start tying a bib around my neck.
How did you manage to navigate your walker through a pottery store?
Did you break anything?
Amazingly, I managed to get all the way around the store, without soiling myself, getting lost, or putting my hands on the women in blue jeans that sidled past. I even found the truck without asking for directions.
you better thank your nurse for that..
wow, 2 for 1...that's a good deal.
Re: Guess Who's The Old Guy?
edgarblythe wrote:She was extremely solicitous, coming over once and saying to me, "Good?" To which I nodded, mouth full of chicken.
Why is it that they always ask you that with a mouth full of food? I think they watch and wait for that moment, just to make an idiot of you.
Re: Guess Who's The Old Guy?
Reyn wrote:edgarblythe wrote:She was extremely solicitous, coming over once and saying to me, "Good?" To which I nodded, mouth full of chicken.
Why is it that they always ask you that with a mouth full of food? I think they watch and wait for that moment, just to make an idiot of you.
The REAL question is, why do people always stuff a mouthful of food in right when you're asking them how everything is??
Why do they treat an old guy different from a young guy? I didn't become stupid, or helpless, when my hair turned grey and my face got a bit wrinkled.
Re: Guess Who's The Old Guy?
cyphercat wrote:The REAL question is, why do people always stuff a mouthful of food in right when you're asking them how everything is??
By chance, you're not a waitress by trade, are you?

Mostly, people ignore my infirmity (age). I guess that's why it's such a big deal when they choose to pay attention.
There, there, edgar. It'll be okay.
[Everybody, I think we're getting edgar a little too overexcited. We'd better let him rest for a bit or he'll be too cranky to play Bingo later.]
Edgar, how about if we sit by the radiator and close our eyes for a minute? I'll put a nice blanket over your legs so you won't catch cold.