Mon 23 Oct, 2006 11:10 am
If you in the US of A happen to see a new Brit TV series being advertised, called "Torchwood", run for the hills.
The plot is a good idea....a crack investigative unit that works as separate to the Police force, has overriding jurisdiction to take over various criminal investigations, and use alien technology to crack the case.
A bit like a cross between the X files and Columbo, but with a supposed "trendy" edge to it.
What a load of overhyped b*llocks. Totally unbelievable, cheesy and downright cringeworthy.
It could have been soooooo much more! What a shame.
After several weeks of BBC slick trailer advertising for this programme, I was left totally and utterly disappointed by the whole thing, and am still bemused how such tragic acting, and poor, unbelievable script could not have been picked up by the Producer, during it's production.
So....what has left you feeling totally conned by slick PR, lately?
It'll undoubtedly be reworked into an even worse show by some American network for US consumption.
If I watched her, I'm certain I would feel that way about Rachel Ray.
Well, Lord Ellpus. I watched "Ghost Whisperers" for the first time when I was in Orlando, and was really disappointed. I try and stick with the tried and true ones now. "Dr. House"; "Monk"; and "Medium".
Letty when Ghost Whisperer started, it was totally different. I liked it. Now its a really weird and kinda creepy show. Started out so good, turned to crap.
The biggest disappointment for me this season, I didn't really try out many new shows.....
Lord Elpus!!!!Youev just slagged off a programme Im really looking forward to seeing!!
Torchwood with the gorgeous Cap'in Jack.I will watch it(I think its on tonight) and see what its like.Probably wont be as good as Doctor Who.
Saw the new series of Monk, by chance, wasnt even advertised let alone hyped.I love the programme.
I hate it when a 'norma' drama is given a thoroughly OTT The Bill, they are advertising it like its CSI or Miami Vice.Its just pure good British drama.Leave it alone.
I watched Ghost Whisperer once and thought it was nothing.
material girl wrote:Lord Elpus!!!!Youev just slagged off a programme Im really looking forward to seeing!!
Torchwood with the gorgeous Cap'in Jack.I will watch it(I think its on tonight) and see what its like.Probably wont be as good as Doctor Who.
Saw the new series of Monk, by chance, wasnt even advertised let alone hyped.I love the programme.
I hate it when a 'norma' drama is given a thoroughly OTT The Bill, they are advertising it like its CSI or Miami Vice.Its just pure good British drama.Leave it alone.
Sorry MG, but I would rather poke my eyes out in slow motion, using a knitting needle whose point is tipped with venomous amazonian tree frog spittle, rather than watching that bloody Torchwood tripe again.
Oh, and I didn't enjoy it much, by the way. I think I forgot to mention that.
Example......Now, this bloody Torchwood mob is supposed to be top secret, OK? The programme opens with a dead body lying on a rain soaked street, being examined by SOCO (scene of crime officers - "forensics" an' all that).
Suddenly, the senior officer receives a call, telling him to clear all the police from the area, as a top secret unit is coming in to take over. They now have jurisdiction, which causes everyone to raise their eyebrows in unison, probably the best piece of acting in the whole programme. Brits like to downplay top secret organisations....take the SAS for instance. They will be deployed to a scene in a rusting 1975 Ford Transit van. They will all be wearing scruffy, nondescript clothes, and some of them will be unshaven, or even bearded, with long scruffy hair and unkempt appearance. Typical Brits, in other words. They would blend into a crowd, which is the general idea.....not to raise any untoward interest.
Right....this bloody Torchwood mob arrive in a gleaming black, sinister looking humvee type thing, with sirens blaring and rows of blue flasing lights strobing round the perimiter of the windscreen.
It comes to a halt, with everyone within half a mile standing and staring with mouths open.
Both doors suddenly open, and out step four of the wierdest indivuals you could possibly meet.
The leader.....the big tall guy, is wearing a flowing, ankle length trenchcoat a la "Matrix". The other weirdos form a line abreast of him, and they stroll John Wayne style towards the body....almost screaming "HEY, LOOK AT US....WE'RE TOP SECRET AND WEIRD"
This all happened within two minutes of the start of the programme, by which point my son and I were cringeing with embarrassment and making puke gestures to one another.
We soon turned over to watch Helen Mirren in another cop programme. Not exactly my cup of tea, but a damned sight better than Torchwood.
Shame on the BBC.
Ah. So that's what those references are for in Doctor Who.
Torchwood this, Torchwood that....
DrewDad wrote:Ah. So that's what those references are for in Doctor Who.
Torchwood this, Torchwood that....'s an anagram.
I have to say that as much as I like Brit tv, I am disappointed in Inspector Lynley.
In a recent episode, Lynley, visiting his family, receives a call from another detective and announces he has to run off. In the next scene, Lynley is talking with the dectective and their exchange -- all three sentences -- was something that could have been said over the phone.
And why Lynley ever married Helen, who never seemed to care whether he lived or died, is beyond me. Have I missed something that is in the novels?