These photographs are a feast for the senses.
Tak, your Japanese style garden in lovely and calming. Perfect for a cup of tea and lazy contemplation.
Piff, the wall, the greenery and flowers are wonderful. I guess that's why you can put up with all the rain. I know Pearl has been known to eat your flowers when she gets out of her field. Has she been up to any orneriness this year? I love big Pearl.
Francis, roses almost make me tremble with pleasure. Roses and champagne, this is what heaven is made of, as far as I'm concerned. The total sensory experience of a rose is consuming for me. The touch of a petal, like a baby's skin; and the scent is something to give thanks for and to treasure. Littlek, do you think Francis will hire us? I would be happy to live in his garden.
So, back to New Mexico, here is a picture of portulaca, which I have planted in front along the walk to the front door. I don't have any pics of the flowers here, so I copied one from google images. Portulaca are wonderful little things, requiring poor soil and little water. They will die if they are pampered. I love them because they are lovely, almost dainty looking, but tough as nails. They are the perfect plant for a desert landscape.
portulaca in bloom