Oh, lovely pictures! I'm especially happy to see Beth's, she's talked about it so much and I've been curious.
The baskets I made are doing really nicely, the cherry Superbells have faded a bit -- as in, the new ones that blossom are not as bright cherry pink -- but I like the new color, and otherwise they seem to be doing great.
Piffka, I did the same -- I went to my favorite, expensive (but so cool) garden place and looked at what they had in their containers and then copied 'em, basically, for WAY cheaper. Got plants from here and there, 3 places total. Just planted the front containers (urns, not baskets), with more million bells/ superbells (cherry and deep purple as opposed to cherry and white), um I can never remember the name, snow something (but not carpet of snow), small trailing white flowers, some soft pink verbena (my new favorite flower, gorgeous and smells nice), a deep pink-to-violet geranium each, and asparagus fern in the background. (That's what I used on the hanging baskets, the spiky green stuff.)
Then around back steps planted white, pink, and deep purple verbena in a pot each.
Today got my annuals, 16 impatiens and 16 petunias, same range of colors (which sound boring, but lots of variations.)
I took some pics a while ago but haven't got them developed yet, will take more.
Having fun, haven't killed anything yet. :-)
Millions Of Plants Sent From Nation's Garden Departments To Their Deaths
(^^^ Onion "In The News" item...)