Re: Who decides? The state or the individual?
joefromchicago wrote:I'm not sure if Locke says anything specifically about work contracts, but he does say a fair amount about obedience to the state
Fair enough. None of these two sections convinces me that minimum wage laws fall within the limited scope of legitimate violence that government has according to Locke. But you have convinced me that, after the government has violated Boss's rights, Locke thinks Boss has no remedy but to try to get a different legislature elected. Unlike later thinkers in his tradition (such as Blackstone), Locke does not appear to discuss legitimate grounds for civil disobedience, rebellion, and the like. But just because minorities can't do anything when the majority makes the state transgress against their rights, that doesn't mean these transgressions are okay. They are still violations of natural law.
joefromchicago wrote:Thomas wrote:It is never improper for the state to expect something. The question is what it may do if its expectation proves wrong.
"Wrong" in what sense? In a natural rights sense, or in a utilitarian sense?
"Wrong" in the sense of mistaken. As in: "Ted Kennedy expected Boss to pay $7/h; boss actually paid $5. Hence, Ted Kennedy erred in his expectation about boss."
joefromchicago wrote:Thomas wrote:[...] It may do all these things -- but it may not force boss at gunpoint to pay the higher wage.
But, as you yourself pointed out before, Boss isn't
forced to pay any wage at all, since he always has the option of not employing anyone.
Let me revise my sentence then: "The government must not force Boss at gunpoint to pay a higher wage to Worker, or to lay him off, or not to hire him in the first place, or to do any choice of those three."
joefromchicago wrote:Thomas wrote:I agree with Max Weber that what defines a state is its socially accepted monopoly on violence. The permissible use of this violence is constrained to the protection of people's lives, liberty and property against force and fraud by others. A wage that disappoints the state's expectations does not rise to this level.
According to whom?
The permissible use of this violence is constrained (...) according to Locke: He says natural law, in a state of nature, allows Worker to thwart any attempts of Boss to actively kill him. But it allows him no more retaliation than is necessary to protect his "life, health, liberty, and possessions" (Second Treatise,
sections 6 and 7). Boss's low-wage job offer does not transgress against any of these. Worker can either take the offer and be better off, or he can leave it and be off the same as before. Either way, Boss does not violate any of Worker's rights. Hence, the law of nature gives Worker no rightful power to retaliate against Boss's low-wage job offer in a state of nature. When Worker leaves the state of nature and subjects himself to a government, he surrenders to it all rightful power of punishment that he had in the state of nature (
Section 130). But he cannot surrender to government any righful powers that he didn't previously have (
section 135). Summing up, Boss violated none of Worker's natural rights by making him a low-wage job offer; Worker had nothing to rightfully punish Boss for. Because Worker had no such right, he couldn't transfer it to government when he left the state of nature. It follows that under Locke's Natural Law, government cannot rightfully punish Boss for not paying worker a minimum wage.
Thomas wrote: I am inclined, in that instance, to agree with John Rawls's approach. We should have the kind of government that we'd all agree to if we knew nothing of our own interests. Would a Rawlsian government permit minimum wage/maximum hour legislation? I'm pretty sure that it would.
I, on the other hand, am pretty sure that it wouldn't. Remember that Rawls's government ends up maximizing the economic welfare of the worst-off. Which stakeholder is the worst off under minimum wage regulations? Not the employers: We can safely assume they are richer than the workers who work for them, or whom they lay off. Not the workers who get a raise, either. The worst-off stakeholders in minimum wage legislation are those workers who get laid off, their employers no longer finding it profitable to employ them. I'm certain Rawls's governement would enact other methods of income redistribution. Examples might include a progressive income tax or the Earned Income Tax Credit. As an individual citizen, Rawls probably has voted for politicians who raised the minimum wage. But if you test the minimum wage against Rawls's philosophy, it fails it, just as it fails the Lockean test.