Your All Wrong There Is 1 Cheat In Millsbury And I Have 1.5 million Millsbucks.
What You Do Is:
1.)log on to millsbury Using Firefox (vital)
2.)Go on the poll that gets you 500 credits
3.)Rapid Click The Top Answer In The Poll Dont Stop
4.)When Youve Had Enough Stop Clicking And Refresh The Page
5.)Check Ur Millsbucks
Thanx All
I have a Millsberry Cheat!!!
Just so you know, there IS a millsberry cheat, and IT really works!!! This is how you do it:
1) Click on the Arcade button.
2) Double-Click on Sudoku.
3) Click play at any size.
4) Press Start Game.
5) Click Easy.
6) Finish the puzzle without any hints.
7) As soon as you finish, wait 2 seconds and quickly press hint.
8) After you pressed the hint button for the first time, it should say "You solved the puzzle at the bottom".
9) Press the hint button.
10) Press it again.
11) Then press any key to continue.
12) You will get 850-1000 millsbucks!
my username on is: sweetlili9
i have yard sales yall can visit its cheap i guess
but does anyone mind donating??
i got more than 7 accounts
oh and i got 25,000 in another one i just started
ok can you give me your usernane and password you can trust me.
[email protected] and i'll give you 40,000,000 bucks just give me username and pass.
[email protected] give me pass and username
Is there really a millsjob?
that doeant work. i just tried it twice
My millsperson is maryam_husna....check me out if you can
no. there is no such thing as a millsjob,whoever said that was being sarcastic or something
...That's pretty pointless since it's exactly the same as earning more money on your real account.
My cousin gave me this awesome cheat from millsberry!
You can get double the stuff you have!
First you have to send an item to me(the one you want doubled) then i have to do the cheat on my account and send it back! I don't knnow why you can't do it on your own account and keep if for yourself but it wont let you, it automatically sends you to the mailing page and then you have to mail it to someone, it won't let you keep it!
So if you want double yourstuff send me the item you want doubled and I will send back the one you sent me and the other one that was doubled.
My username is fenwickontariocanad
check out my yardsale and house to!!