Fri 6 Oct, 2006 01:23 pm
I recorded it but my vcr didn't record the whole show. It stopped when Sawyer figured out how to get the food from his cage. What happened after that?
More like an hour and ten minute show. Mostly to make up for the commercials, I think.
They brought Kate to the other cage in the zoo. She'd been scratched by something and her wrists were raw, but they didn't tell us why. Sawyer passed her his fish biscuit.
Jack wakes up, Juliette has "his entire life" documented; he asks if his ex-wife is happy and Juliette tells him yes. He then remains against the wall while she gives him food and water. (Am I remembering this right?)
Ben/Fenry then congratulates Juliette.
That's about it, I think.
Thanks! So basically I didn't miss that much.
What happened to Locke and Ecko?
The scratched wrists came from being handcuffed for breakfast on the beach.