I don't like this at all!!!!
Here is another option: Happy, but 'special'
No, that doesn't work either. I had to vote for rich and feared. I just couldn't control myself. I wanted to pick poor and loved, but my hand went strait for the rich. I've struggled all my life and I want cash I tell ya. Cold hard cash!
Depends on your definition of "special".
'Special' as in you ride the short bus to school....
Montana, what's that rule they tell you about marriages? One for love, one for money....you have some catching up to do...If Mrs. cav divorces me, it will be money all the way
So I can be a happy legend in my own mind!
Hey, love didn't get me anywhere, so might as well head strait for the wallet, lol! Actually in reality, I could never marry someone I didn't love, Damn!!!
I feel guilty about picking the answer that I did because that's just me, but I guess I can't win them all.
Honest and Poor
Dishonest and Rich
Rich and blind
Rich and a double-amputee
Rich and no human contact
Immortal but you have no emotions
Rich but you are guaranteed a messy, painful death at the age of 50 (or in 10 years, whichever comes last).
Rich but you have to remain nude forever
Rich but you are so fat you can't move.
Since I am honest and poor, I think I'd better give rich and no human contact a try.
Ya know,..if you were omnipotent, you could get viagra for free!
Rich and feared of course !!
"Loved" is a word that's often heard,
"Feared" is a word that's not,
"Love" I am told,
Is precious than gold,
"Love" I am told
Is hot.
But "feared" to me,
Is by far supreme,
And "Love" just another drug on the mart,
And man can be "loved" like a fool,
But to be "feared" my boy,
Is an art !!
Equus, I would definitely take rich and naked....can't get much better than that.
Equus, I agree with Cav. If I had to pick from your list, rich and nude, but I still prefer rich and feared. Having no human contact would not be fun.
I think if you are rich and naked, you could buy all the human contact you need.
Give me rich.
Give me fear.
Was Omnipotent and loved one of the options?
Re: truth
JLNobody wrote:Was Omnipotent and loved one of the options?
Nope, but go ahead... get creative.
With riches, one can always buy viagra.
