Mon 9 Jun, 2003 12:32 pm
Other suggestions are welcome, but for now, I will keep it at the few in the poll.
I intend to become benevolent (well, more or less . . . ) dictator of the world. Attempting to kiss my posterior now is useless . . . too late to be my friend now . . .
Rich and feared would be great! Being a middle income/well loved single Mom isn't so bad but I want the lawyer I work for to fear me!
The last two didn't appeal to me at all. Given a choice of the other two poor but loved is the one that fits into who I am. The tie breaker is even poor I can help people which is what I like to do. If I chose #1 I wouldn't choose to help.
Hate to be trite, but...
Poor but loved is not poor at all.
Ok Bob, after reading your post I feel like a penny waiting for change... but I still want to be rich and feared.
While not poor by societal standards, poor and loved still fits me best. Any suggestions will be added to the poll.
How about, totally hot, but only seven days to live?
Down and out, but life is good.
Equus wrote:Hate to be trite, but...
Poor but loved is not poor at all.
Sometimes trite is best and this is one place where that certainly holds true
Cav: how about sweet but complicated
You can be poor and feared also, if you just walk around with a gun and a t-shirt that says "I like to kill people."
Hmm, I prefer the pushing a baby carriage full of garbage approach and rambling incoherently...more subtle.... may be my wife
Rich and impotent would be okay.
Rich, feared and respected would work, but I don't think fear and respect go hand in hand.
How about rich and loved? Can we do that one? Please, please, please. I dream of hitting the lottery and being rich, but I don't want to be feared. I want it all damn it!!!!
Rich and loved can't work here....this is an excercise in positive and negative choices.
There don't seem to be any takers on being respected and horribly disfigured.
having been poor and loved, I'm willing to give rich and feared a try.