Mindonfire wrote:
The Bible is a key in itself. You have to read it with the help of the keys.
Here is the concept of One:
2 Peter 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day [is] with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
Interesting concept you have there. However, I think you will find that not many, if anyone, will agree with you on this. I give you another take on it.
There was an objection that much time, and perhaps the time which had been supposed to be set for Christ's coming, had passed away, and still all things remained as they were. The reply of the apostle is, that no argument could be drawn from this, for that which may seem to be a long time to us is a brief period with God. In the infinity of his own duration there is abundant time to accomplish his designs, and it can make no difference with him whether they are accomplished in one day or extended to one thousand years. Man has but a short time to live, and if he does not accomplish his purposes in a very brief period, he never will. But it is not so with God. He always lives and we cannot infer because the execution of His purposes seems to be delayed, that they are abandoned. With Him who always lives it will be as easy to accomplish them at a far distant period as now.
Do you see the difference?